
Crude way to log Jira work time.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


A crude method for keeping track of the amount of time you worked on a Jira task. And, returns the tracked work time in Jira format.

Also, because I don't like wasting post-its.


Make sure you have node.js installed on your machine; this script has only been tested on Mavericks (10.9.2) with node.js (v0.10.13 & v0.10.26)

There are a couple of ways to use this module on your machine, with the simplest being installing as a global node module. This is pretty easy to do:

$ sudo npm install -g wluu/LogJiraWork

You then access the module just by running jiratrack.

An alternate way is to:

  1. Clone this repo to your machine
  2. Globally install the repo:

$ sudo npm install -g LogJiraWork/

or inside the repo

$ sudo npm install -g .

Then, start using this module by running jiratrack.


Note: The commands below will refer to <TICKET_NUM> as any jobs that you started (e.g. TIMOB-123, task1, etc). However, jiratrack is not case-sensitive, so jiratrack --start TIMOB-123 is different from jiratrack --start timob-123.

--start <TICKET_NUM>

Starts the job timer e.g.

$ jiratrack --start TIMOB-1234
Started timer at Tue Mar 11 2014 22:12:08 GMT-0700 (PDT)

--pause <TICKET_NUM>

Pause the job timer.

Note: Can only be used after calling the --start flag or the --resume flag.

$ jiratrack --start TIMOB-1234
Started timer at Tue Mar 11 2014 22:30:04 GMT-0700 (PDT)

$ jiratrack --pause TIMOB-1234
Pausing timer at Tue Mar 11 2014 22:42:05 GMT-0700 (PDT)

$ jiratrack --resume TIMOB-1234
Resuming timer at Tue Mar 11 2014 22:43:13 GMT-0700 (PDT)

$ jiratrack --pause TIMOB-1234
Pausing timer at Tue Mar 11 2014 22:45:02 GMT-0700 (PDT)

--resume <TICKET_NUM>

Resume the job timer.

Note: Can only be used after using the --pause flag.

$ jiratrack --start TIMOB-1234
Started timer at Tue Mar 11 2014 22:30:04 GMT-0700 (PDT)

$ jiratrack --pause TIMOB-1234
Pausing timer at Tue Mar 11 2014 22:42:05 GMT-0700 (PDT)

$ jiratrack --resume TIMOB-1234
Resuming timer at Tue Mar 11 2014 22:43:13 GMT-0700 (PDT)

--stop <TICKET_NUM>

Stops the job timer and returns the tracked work time in Jira format e.g.

$ jiratrack --stop TIMOB-1234
Ended timer at Tue Mar 11 2014 22:19:18 GMT-0700 (PDT)
Jira format: 2m


Shows the last finished job in JSON e.g.

$ jiratrack --last
	"startMs": 1392685860245,
	"endMs": 1392685951067,
	"elapsed": 90822,
	"jira": "2m ",
	"startTimeSlice": "2/17/2014;17:11:00",
	"endTimeSlice": "2/17/2014;17:12:31"


Sets the path that jiratrack will store your log data to e.g.

$ jiratrack --set-time-path=/Users/User/Desktop/tracker.json

Note: By default, jiratrack will use any directory that you are currently in to store your log data. However, jiratrack will not save the location that you are currently in until you use this flag.


Sets the path that jiratrack should use to be the current working directory

$ jiratrack --set-default-path


$ pwd
$ jiratrack --get-default-path
Logs will be saved to /Users/iwhitfield/time.json
$ cd /Users/iwhitfield/Desktop
$ jiratrack --get-time-path
Logs will be saved to /Users/iwhitfield/Desktop/time.json


Returns the current path that jiratrack is using to log out to.

$ jiratrack --get-time-path
Logs will be saved to /Users/iwhitfield/Desktop/time.json


Returns a list of started jobs, but not finished jobs (--stop).

$ jiratrack --list-jobs

Here is a list of all currently stored unfinished jobs:

1. TIMOB-1234
2. TIMOB-230
3. TIMOB-9879


Deletes the file that --set-time-path is pointing to.