
Sublime plugin for P

MIT LicenseMIT


P language plugin for Sublime Text 3. Includes basic syntax highlighting, comments format and some snippets.




Use the Command Palette to Add Repository and add this GitHub repository. Then use the Command Palette to Install Package and search for and install Sublime-P.


The syntax highlighting assumes the following conventions, but you don't have to follow them.

  • Type names end with Type. E.g. StartMessageType.
  • Fields end with V. E.g. TimerV.
  • Events start with e. E.g. eStop, eStart.
  • Machine names end with Machine. E.g. ElevatorMachine.
  • State names have no conventions and so have no color.

These conventions are followed by the snippets, so you don't have to remember them.


Snippets include: event, implementation, machine, module, test, type, var (for fields), whileindex. To use a snippet, start typing one of these words and press tab. Then continue typing to replace the placeholder names and press tab further times to jump to the next placeholder or cursor position.

E.g. Start typing while. The whileindex completion pops up. Press tab to get:

index = 0;
while(index < sizeof(Array))
    index = index + 1;

Typing will replace all instances of index. Pressing tab jumps to Array which is the next placeholder. Pressing tab again places the cursor after the first curly brace.

Making changes to p.tmLanguage

The p.tmLanguage file defines the syntax highlighting. It is a generated file, but is committed for convenience. To make changes, do the following:

  1. Install Package Control in Sublime Text 3 and then use the Command Palette Ctrl+Shift+P to Install Package and search for and install PackageDev.
  2. Open p.YAML-tmLanguage.
  3. Make your changes.
  4. Use the Command Palette to execute Build With: Convert to ... - Property List.