This function takes input <b>format</b> of date required and <b>numberOfDays</b> to add from current day<br>
For previous days numberOfDays should be passed as negative value<br>
This function takes input <b>format</b> of date required and <b>minutesToAdd</b> to add/subtract minutes from current time<br>
For passed minute of time, minutesToAdd should be passed as negative value<br>
This function takes input format of date required and secondsToAdd to add/subtract seconds from current time
For passed minute of time, secondsToAdd should be passed as negative value
This function takes input <b>date</b> (input date), <b>currentFormat</b> (input date format), <b>newformat</b> (required date format)<br>
This function takes input <b>date</b> (input date), <b>currentFormat</b> (input date format)<br>
It will return input date value as timestamp in milliseconds<br>
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