On the Merge of k-NN Graph

About the codes

This is the implementation of three k-NN graph merge algorithms, S-Merge,J-Merge and H-Merge. The description about the algorithms could be found in "On the Merge of k-NN Graph".

header file source file description
smerge.h smerge.cpp Symmetric Merge
jmerge.h jmerge.cpp Joint Merge
lynndescent.h lynndescent.cpp Hierarchical k -NN graph Construction via J-Merge
lysearch.h lysearch.cpp NN search task based on H-Merge


  • The codes should be compiled with g++ 5.4.0 or later.
  • Add following requirement in your linker options:
    • -lboost_timer
    • -lboost_system
  • In addition, boost library 1.58 is required. For higher version of boost may not be compatible.

To compile it, user only needs to run "make Makefile" under the source code directory


To run the above mentioned methods, user is recommended to call "test()" function in "main.cpp". In the "test()" function, four interfaces, namely S-Merge, J-Merge, H-Merge and NN search algorithm, are provided. Furthermore, Dataset SIFT100K is attached with this package


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We use GitHub issues for tracking suggestions and bugs.


Author: Peng-Cheng Lin, Wan-Lei Zhao Date: Jan.-6-2020