Goal: determine quantities of breakfast ingredients to meet dietary requirements
- For simplicity, let's assume everything can be divided by gram (as opposed to, e.g., eggs)
- Let's only consider breakfasts composed of combined raw ingredients where all ingredients can be of arbitrary quantities (i.e. not proportional to one another)
- Output ingredients must meet dietary requirements, or within threshold
- available ingredients
- type
- maximum quantity
- nutritional content goals
- acceptable margin of error (e.g. 2% above or below dietary goal is acceptable)
- ingredients
- type
- desired quantity
- nutritional content
- total nutritional content
- This is a constraint satisfaction problem, possibly more suited to a language like Prolog.
- Options detailed below, but in both cases I have to get the data from somewhere and then hook it all up. Probably it'd be better to use an existing solution.
Implementation options:
- Constraint satisfaction by hand
- If no unused ingredients remain
- fail
- Choose one ingredient from the list of remaining ingredients:
A) Construct a choicepoint including:
- The included ingredients so far
- Remaining ingredients
- Previously attempted choices ([ingredient])
- Include the maximum of that ingredient without exceeding dietary requirements
- If the dietary requirements are satisfied, return
- Else if some ingredients remain, recurse
- Else, backtrack:
- Take the most recent choicepoint
- If it has possible choices remaining, repeat from A) with a different choice
- Else, pop it from the stack and try the next choicepoint
- Take the most recent choicepoint
- fail
- Choose one ingredient from the list of remaining ingredients:
A) Construct a choicepoint including:
- Use a prebuilt constraint-satisfaction library - Figure out how to use it - Get nutrition data - Hook it all up
Choicepoint stack: [] Current state: ingredients used, goals
- ([], [A, B, C])
- Choose A
- ([A], [B, C])
- Choose B
- ([A,B], [C])
- Backtrack!
- ([A], [B, C])
- Choose C
- ([A, C], [B])
- Choose B
- ([A, C, B], [])
- Satisfied? Success.
- Unsatisfied? Backtrack.