JHipster 3rd Paris Meetup

Microservice demo by Pierre Besson & William Marques

Refer to the slides at: wmarques.github.io/meetup-jhipster-3.


Install docker and docker-compose if not installed (see docker docs).

Build the jar and docker images in each of the following directories:

  • accounts-microservice
  • accounts-microservice-v2
  • hipster-bank-gateway
  • insurances-microservice

using the command:

  ./mvnw package -Pprod -DskipTests docker:build

Part 1: Docker Compose usage for microservices

Run all microservices at once:

   cd docker-config
   yo jhipster:docker-compose

   docker-compose up -d

Scale a microservice:

   docker-compose scale accountsmicroservice-app=2

Then run docker-compose logs accountsmicroservice and see the second instance of the microservice starting, and their Hazelcast clustered caches getting in sync thanks to Eureka discovery.

Sample Hazelcast Logs:

accountsmicroservice-app_1 | Members [2] {
accountsmicroservice-app_1 | 	Member []:5701 this
accountsmicroservice-app_1 | 	Member []:5701
accountsmicroservice-app_1 | }
accountsmicroservice-app_1 | 
accountsmicroservice-app_2 | 2016-04-12 08:33:46.592  INFO 1 --- [ration.thread-3] com.hazelcast.cluster.ClusterService     : []:5701 [dev] [3.6.1] 
accountsmicroservice-app_2 | 
accountsmicroservice-app_2 | Members [2] {
accountsmicroservice-app_2 | 	Member []:5701
accountsmicroservice-app_2 | 	Member []:5701 this
accountsmicroservice-app_2 | }

Scale a Mongodb database with docker:

Refer to https://github.com/jhipster/jhipster.github.io/pull/243/commits/8bc5bc9bbb39b803d71036c985c70d01c729f89f

Part 2: Microservice monitoring

Open http://localhost:5601 and have fun !

Part 3: Microservice configuration

Sample property configuration

  • Open http://localhost:8080/property/greeting.
  • Tweak the value of property.greeting in docker-config/central-server-config/hipsterBangGateway.yml
  • Trigger refreshing of the gateway's config: curl -X POST http://localhost:8080/refresh

Distributed Feature Toggle demo

  • Regenerate the docker-compose file using yo jhipster:docker-compose to add the account-v2 service.

  • Run docker-compose up -d to start account-v2 and its database and elasticsearch dependencies.

  • In hipsterBangGateway.yml, edit the zuul config as follows and refresh the configuration using the curl command above.

  ignoredServices: '*'
      path: /accountsmicroservice/**
      serviceId: accountsmicroservicev2
  • Open http://localhost:8080/#/gateway to see the gateway route changing from account to account-v2.
  • On the BankAcount entity screen, the account-v2 back-end service is now used but there is still no search bar to make use of elasticsearch.
  • Finally, change feature-toggle.account to v2 and refresh once again with curl to toggle the appearance of the search bar on the front-end .