
Code for the AAE 451 Senior Design Project

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

AAE 451 Senior Design Project Code

Code for the AAE 451 Senior Design Project

Sizing Organization


This is where all of the universal constants will go. Stuff like gravitational acceleration g or energy density of avgas.


Contains the objects that organize the configuration data that we have. Instances of these objects are passed as the data in the equations.

  • The Mission object contains all the information about a given sizing mission.
  • The Airplane object contains all the information about a given airplane configuration.
  • Other objects (such as powerplant or wing) are set up to fit into an instance variable in either the Mission or Airplane objects in order to be able to swap in and out different components


Here are defined the equations that take the mission and aircraft parameters and calculate performance values.


The missions file is where each mission is defined. Each mission has a segments list, where each segment has an initialize function, completion condition function, and an update function. The structure for these is defined in the parameters function.


This file defines how the aircraft sizing is done.

It has a function to close the aircraft weight by finding the guessed weight of the airplane that leads to the same prediction.s


This folder is where the simulation cache goes. It is not tracked by git so we can all test independently. To clear the cache, just delete the contents of the directory.

Unit Conversions


>>> from convert import convert
>>> convert(101325, "Pa", "psi")
>>> convert(180, "deg", "rad")

the unit strings are of a specific form:

  • they must have only 0 1 or 2 parts separated by a division
  • each term must be separated by an asterisk
  • powers go directly after variables that need
  • only positive powers, negative powers should be in the denominator





  • All time-dependent data will stem from the information about the mission segments
  • Equation names are fully written out names: FuelWeight vs. Wf
  • Inside equation, all variables to be used in calculation are defined first via their respective functions (and commented if ambiguous)
  • Inside equation, all Variable names to be used in calculation are with shortened names 'Wf' vs. FuelWeight
  • Keep iteration from guesses in the sizing file, not in the equations, definitions, or parameters section

Programming Practice

  • Use camel case: CoefficientOfThrust vs. coefficientofthrust
  • Don't use underscores: CLmax vs. CL_max
  • Functions and Classes start with capital letter: LandingDistance vs. landingDistance
  • Variables don't start with capital letter: missionSegment vs. MissionSegment (unless it only makes sense that way)
  • for greek characters, write out full name: gamma for γ, and if capital version, capitalize: Gamma for Γ
  • for derivative or fractional values, write the same, but ignore division sign: dhdt for dh/dt and CLCD for CL/CD