
Convert the Nihongo app's '.tsv' files to something that Memrise can read.

Primary LanguagePython


Convert the Nihongo app's '.tsv' files to something that Memrise can read and import, so you can quickly make your own courses/decks on Memrise.

Video Tutorial: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X7y-V_CdCgI

Part One:

  1. Download the 'Nihongo' Dictionary app on your iPhone or iPad.
  2. Start the free-trial or subscribe to the monthly plan in the app.
  3. Find a clipping or piece of text that you would like to make flashcards out of.
  4. Paste the text into the 'clippings' section of the app.
  5. Under the 'Flashcards' tab in the app, go to the clippings section and click the little 'i' icon.
  6. Click the share button at the top right of the screen and tap 'Export Deck'.
  7. Get it onto your computer either via airdrop, e-mail, Discord, etc.
  8. Drag the file to your desktop, and rename it to whatever you like.

Part Two:

  1. Click 'clone or download' on this main github page.
  2. Open the zip file and drag 'Nihongo_to_Memrise.py' to your Desktop.
  3. Determine if you are on Windows or MacOSx (or Linux, I suppose).
  4. If Windows, press the windows key and type 'command prompt' and press enter. MacOS, hit command+space and type 'terminal' and hit enter.
  5. Once your terminal is open, type 'cd Desktop'
  6. Then type 'python Nihongo_to_Memrise.py ENTER_NAME_OF_FILE.tsv'
  • Note that on Windows, the Japanese characters may not display in the terminal, but don't worry about that, they're all still there.
  1. The program should write to a new file, (whatever you named the previous file).txt
  2. Open the newly generated text file, and copy the output.
  3. Create a course on Memrise
  4. Once you are adding words, click advanced, and 'bulk add words'.
  5. Click seperated by 'comma', paste your output and click 'Add'. DONE!