
Primary LanguageSwift


Basic Mobile SDK Swift template modified to be offline first. The application was generated with:

forceios create --apptype=native_swift --appname=TDXDemo --packagename=com.acme --organization=Acme --outputdir=

You can see the application at that stage by checking out tag 1_START.

To get started do the following from the root directory

node ./install.js

To run the application

  • Open TDXDemo.xcworkspace in XCode

Demo steps

Add schema and sync config

Add userstore.json file (make sure its target membership includes TDXDemo)

  "soups": [
      "soupName": "User",
      "indexes": [
        { "path": "Id", "type": "string"},
        { "path": "Name", "type": "string"},
        { "path": "__local__", "type": "string"}

Add usersyncs.json file (make sure its target membership includes TDXDemo)

  "syncs": [
      "syncName": "syncDownUsers",
      "syncType": "syncDown",
      "soupName": "User",
      "target": {"type":"soql", "query":"SELECT Name FROM User LIMIT 100"},
      "options": {"mergeMode":"OVERWRITE"}

Add following lines in AppDelegate.m in .postLaunch block


You can see the application at that stage by checking out tag 2_CONFIGS.

Run sync at startup

Replace loadView() with following lines in RootViewController.swift

    var store: SFSmartStore?
    var syncManager: SFSmartSyncSyncManager?
    // MARK: - View lifecycle
    override func loadView()
        self.title = "Mobile SDK Sample App"
        store = SFSmartStore.sharedStore(withName: kDefaultSmartStoreName) as?  SFSmartStore
        syncManager = SFSmartSyncSyncManager.sharedInstance(for:store!)

        // Run (delta)sync if possible
        _ = syncManager?.Promises
            .reSync(syncName: "syncDownUsers")

You can see the application at that stage by checking out tag 3_SYNC.

Load data from store

In loadView(), call self.loadFromStore() at startup and when sync completes.

        // Run (delta)sync if possible
        _ = syncManager?.Promises
            .reSync(syncName: "syncDownUsers")
            .done { [unowned self] (_) in

Add the loadFromStore() method.

    // MARK: - Loading from smartstore
    func loadFromStore()
        let querySpec = SFQuerySpec.Builder(soupName:"User")
            .queryType(value: "smart")
            .smartSql(value: "select {User:Name} from {User}")
            .pageSize(value: 100)
        _ = self.store?.Promises
            .query(querySpec: querySpec, pageIndex: 0)
            .done { records in
                self.dataRows = (records as! [[NSString]]).map({ row in
                    return ["Name": row[0]];
                DispatchQueue.main.async(execute: {
            .catch { error in
                SalesforceSwiftLogger.log(type(of:self), level:.debug, message:"Error: \(error)")

You can see the application at that stage by checking out tag 4_OFFLINE.