This repo is designed to build out a fully fledged k8s stack leveraging all tools from the Cloud Native Computing Foundation or part of the Linux foundation.
Current features:
- OpenTofu for IaC
- Harbor for container registry
- Prometheus / Grafana for monitoring
- Minikube for k8s
- ArgoCD for CI/CD
Harbor for container registry:
In order to configure the ability for harbor to work with minikube and allow for publishing images to the harbor registry, instructions are found here.
ArgoCD setup for continuous delivery:
Note that argo is connected to another repo, python-api, separated to make it easier to follow and mimic best practices. The image does need to be built manually (in absense of a CI system) within the minikube context to make it available to pull.
For general invoking of tf within minikube, need
export KUBE_CONFIG_PATH=~/.kube/config
For backstage, need to run:
eval $(minikube docker-env)
yarn build-image --tag backstage:1.0.0