
This is a Node.js resume template. To use, clone it and put your information in `data/resume.json`.

Primary LanguageCSS


Why is this single, static page built as a web app, you ask? I wanted to get a feel for the various technologies involved in the stack, without worrying about the logic and design of a real application. This way, I get a nice, paperless, easily-accessible version of my resumé - and so do you!

Run it

git clone https://github.com/wmayner/resume.git
cd ~/resume
node app.js

Then point your browser to http://localhost:3000.

Use cake dev for development instead of node app.js.

Note: cake dev requires cssprefixer, which isn't bundled with npm but can be globally installed with pip install cssutils.

Customize it


Name and contact info are set in src/app.coffee. Resume content is rendered from data/resume.json.

Social media icons are generated from the socialmedia property of the resume object. Properties of socialmedia must have an iconName property that has the filename of the corresponding icon (these icons should be placed in public/img) and a url property which points to your profile on the social media site.

Each resume section is a property of of the sections object. sections has a special, optional property called skillbars, which is rendered differently than other sections; it must have properties of the form "a_skill": {"Name of Skill (this will be displayed)": "<integer between 0 and 100>".

Also, don't forget to remove my Google Analytics script!


Customize src/less/custom.less to your liking.


This was inspired by @philipthomas's cv. Thanks to @twilson63 for the Cakefile from express-coffee, and to @visionmedia for developing Express.


MIT License