Large-Scale CG images Benchmark (NLPR-LSCGB):

We build a Large-Scale CG images Benchmark (NLPR-LSCGB), which is orders of magnitude bigger than existing datasets. The strict collection principles guarantee a high diversity and small bias in dataset.


Computer-Generated (CG) images

Photographic (PG) images


Robust Texture-aware Computer-generated Image Forensic: Benchmark and Algorithm

Weiming Bai, Zhipeng Zhang, Bing Li, Pei Wang, Yangxi Li, Congxuan Zhang, Weiming Hu

IEEE Transactions on Image Processing (TIP), 2021



To download the dataset, please fill the agreement form that indicates you agree to the NLPR-LSCGB Terms of Use. After we receive your agreement form, we will provide download access to the dataset.