
Adobe Flash AS3 Experiments

Primary LanguageActionScript

BulkLoader: BulkLoader uses the Bulk Loader AS3 class back before they documented anything  - http://code.google.com/p/bulk-loader/

This was for a Volvo project where I had to load up a massive amount of images, sounds and do so quickly and quietly without tripping up on some media having to be generated by other dynamic processes at the same time.

QueueLoader: QueueLoader was another take on the same Volvo project - http://code.google.com/p/queueloader-as3/

This was a second approach which led to being the final approach for the project.

ShadowsFlex-PV3D: Flex AS3 based approach to PaperVision 3D with realtime shadows and a loaded 3D file.  Still looking for the source files for this one that will work in Flex 3/Flash Builder 4.x - this was an older Flex 2 project that I did as a proof of concept.

Will have to return to this later (loved the output)

StateButtons: Face it… buttons in Flash have either over, down and normal. Transitioning from one to the other means that you have to tween them.  Why not handle that in code?  And have it where there's an event per stage?

This was an easy method just to do that - I needed to be able to pull data on how many times a certain button was clicked in a project.  This did the trick.

UILoader: More on this one in a bit. Can't remember, but it was for the BMW US Manufacturing website - them all in Flash/Flex presentational layer on top of Ektron .NET CMS.