
A library of common functions used in various applications (C-based)

## CommonUtilsLib - README

Having had to build a number of applications over time, there are a number of
paradigms and routines that tend to keep reappearing from project to project.
In an effort to not have to constantly "reinvent the wheel" and as a way to
maintain a little bit of my sanity, this utility library has been put together
as a way to keep all these reused bits and pieces in one common location. Most
of the development being done that uses/will use this code is written for Linux.
However, since some of the routines would be helpful to have in the Win32
environment as well, an effort is being put into this to make the functions as
cross-platform as possible. In doing so, I have opted to make use of CMake
instead of the autotools suite. Cygwin provides a viable implementation of
automake, autoconf, and libtool, but after having worked a bit with both autotools
and cmake, I have found cmake to be easier to work with, at least as far as
troubleshooting cross-platform issues goes (amongst other reasons).

Contributions to this library are most welcome and will be reviewed before being
"officially" added to the library. I have a particular style of code that I try
to use, and any additions to the library by others will be put into this style
as well.

Note that there are a number of "build" sub-directories included in the Git
repository. Part of making the library cross-platform will be to provide pre-
generated Makefiles, made by CMake, according to the platform and compiler with
which they should be used. I realize that everyone does not have the exact same
build environment, but this should provide some starting point for anyone who
wants to use this code on a particular platform.

Please check in time-to-time to see what additions have been made; initially, this
library will be under heavy development, however once it has been established, few
changes are expected to be made, save for bug fixes as they are found.

I am opting for the LGPL licensing model so that this code may be useful to anyone
who would like to use it in a closed-source application. I realize that not
everyone can GPL their software and provide it for all the world to see, and
I would like to provide something of use to them as well as the GPL community.


*	Cygwin/GCC		: gcc version 4.3.4 20090804 (release) 1

*	Win32/MSVC++	: Visual Studio Express 2008

*	Win32/Watcom	: Open Watcom C/C++ CL clone for 386 version 1.9

*	Linux/GCC		: gcc version 4.1.2 20070626 (Red Hat 4.1.2-13)

*	CMake version >= 2.8