
Minesweeper implemented in Rust to WASM

Primary LanguageRust


  • game over if clicked on bomb

    • show bombs
    • message with modal?
  • tiles must know how many neighbouring bombs

    • when clicked: show number
  • if tile clicked, then neighoubring non-bomb tiles without bomb neighbours are also shown

    • propagation
  • putting flags

  • game won if all tiles except bombs have been clicked


  • Home
    • Clock
    • Smiley -> win/verlies
      • NewGameInput
    • HowManyBombsMinusFlags
    • Board
      • Tile


SPA Rust+ASM: http://www.sheshbabu.com/posts/rust-wasm-yew-single-page-application/

Timer: https://github.com/yewstack/yew/blob/v0.17/examples/timer/src/lib.rs

Yew Examples: https://github.com/yewstack/yew/tree/v0.17/examples

  • timer
  • counter
  • large_table