World Wide Web history

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The Internet: From birth to boom

Collaborating project assignment

Created by: Ron Munoz & Bill Duggan

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This page is intended to educate individuals looking to gain an introduction level of the development of ethernet and computer networking history and principals throught the decades.

General info:

Description: Historic breakdown of the evolution through the decades and stages.

Key words: Tim Berner Lee, World Wide web, Arpanet, Robert Metcalf, Bill Gates, Pierre Omidyar and Jeff Bezos

Website title: The Internet: From birth to boom

Page titles:

Home page

Page one: The Internets infancy (1960- 1980)

Page two: The dot com boom (1990-2000)

Page three: Mainstream adoption (2000- 2010)

Page four: Contemporary evolution ( 2010- modern day)

Hero text: "We explain the birth and growth of the internet for curious individuals"

Page Layout: Z-pattern ( Golden triangle pattern)

Website main menu: Listing of pages


Table of Contents Era
The Internets infancy 1960-1980 [Link]
The dot com boom 1990-200 [Link]
Mainstream adoption 2000-2010 [Link]
Contemporary evolution Modern day [Link]