
A polite, extensible library for connecting to and handling the IRC protocol, written in pure Python 3.5!

Primary LanguagePython

Chitchat: IRC for Bots that Get Stuff Done

Writing an IRC bot has never been easier!

import chitchat as cc

bot = cc.Bot('your.favorite.server', port=6667)

def bootup(*args):
    yield cc.identify(nick='Chitchat', user='v1a', password='chitchatrocks!')
    yield cc.join('#chitchatdev', '#mycoolchannel')

def hello(prefix, command, target, message):
    return cc.privmsg(target, 'Hello, ' + prefix.nick + '!')

if __name__ == '__main__':

"Hmph! Every IRC library does this!", you might say, you ol' grump. But where Chitchat outshines its competitors isn't only in simple "hello, world" scripts, but in complicated, high-functioning bots that Get Stuff Done.


  • Asynchronous Commands: so your long-running housekeeping tasks won't disrupt your bot's service!
  • Simple, Pythonic API: with Chitchat everything is right where you expect it!
  • Vast Extensability: there's nothing your Chitchat bot can't do!

Check out the docs for more information. If you're in need of some inspiration, take a look at our collection of real-world examples!


  • Test coverage and more documentation
  • Numerics support for all large IRC networks; currently only supporting Freenode on top of RFC-defined numerics
  • Logging support
  • CTCP and IRCv3 support
  • Public API cleanup
  • Line-splitting support for long (>512 char) messages with textwrap
  • event scheduler decorator using asyncio.BaseEventLoop.call_at and call_later
  • Client.wait_for to intercept server replies
  • Plugin support completely separated from Client instances
  • Release!