
Demonstrates how to use the various parts of the fairlearn package

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

Fairlearn demo

Welcome to this repository. In this repository you'll find a demonstration of some of the capabilities that fairlearn offers.

There are many ways in which a model can be unfair. fairlearn aims to solve group fairness issues. Your model can suffer from two different kinds of group fairness issues:

  • Quality of service Imagine you're building an image recognition library for assessing skin conditions. Your model could fail to work well for some groups of users with a particular skin color.
  • Allocation For example, you're building a credit card scoring model. It's used to allocate a creditcard to customers. The model could deny creditcards more often for one group of users than it will for other groups.

Imagine you're starting a new credit card company based on a data-driven approach. You want to use a machine learning model to score creditcard applications. People that are going to default their payments aren't going to get a creditcard from your company.

You've spend a lot of time gathering data for your model and you've finally managed to train a model. The model has two outcomes:

  • When the model predicts 1, you're not going to give out a creditcard, because the person is likely to default their payments.
  • When the model predicts 0 you're handing out a credit card.

You made a mistake however, because it seems as if women are getting a credit card more often than men. How are you going to fix this?

We've created 4 notebooks for this scenario:

  1. prepare-dataset.ipynb Prepares the dataset for training and testing purposes.
  2. train-model.ipynb Demonstrates the training process for the model.
  3. measure-fairness.ipynb Demonstrates how to access fairness.
  4. improve-fairness.ipynb Shows how to improve an existing model.

Each notebook describes the individual steps and explains how the different components work together.

To run this demo, you'll need:

If you're trying this demo on Windows, we recommend using Anaconda or Miniconda.

Follow these steps to run the code:

  1. First, install the requirements for the notebooks: pip install -r requirements.txt
  2. Next, start jupyter notebooks from the root of the repository: jupyter notebook

The notebooks are located in the notebooks folder. You can execute the notebooks out of order.