
4.27 Update


  • Configure Lidar successfully
  • Fix map to base_link not found bug
  • Using navigation to run it using gix map
  • Make it able to navi in gix 2nd floor
  • Add controller to control movement

Using Turtlebot3 Navigation Package to Navigate iRobot Create2

This section details the modifications and setup required to use the Turtlebot3 navigation package for controlling the iRobot Create2 with an added RPLiDAR.

Codebase Setup

  • Location: All modifications are made within the create_robot/turtlebot3_navigation directory.

URDF Modifications

  • Objective: Adjust the URDF file to mimic the Turtlebot3 Burger setup and integrate RPLiDAR.
    • Rename left_wheel and right_wheel to match Turtlebot3 standard naming conventions for compatibility.
    • Add the RPLiDAR sensor to the URDF, ensuring proper mounting position and orientation.

Launch File: create_navigation.launch

  • Purpose: Manage the startup sequence for robot navigation using ROS.
    • Step 1: Initiate the Create2 robot using the create2_driver.
    • Step 2: Launch the map_server to load the pre-existing map of the environment.
    • Step 3: Start the amcl node, which uses the /scan data from RPLiDAR to estimate the robot's position within the map.
    • Step 4: Launch the move_base node to handle path planning and obstacle avoidance.
    • Step 5: Execute rviz with a pre-configured setup to visualize and plan the robot's movements.

Configuration for move_base

  • Files: Utilize parameter files stored in the param folder to configure the move_base node.
    • Parameters are tailored to match the dynamics and dimensions of the Create2 robot, adjusting settings such as maximum speed, acceleration, and obstacle safety distances.






  • Topic List:
gixrobot11@gixrobot11-HP-ProBook-450-G6:~$ rostopic list

4.24 Update

ROS Package Installation

  • Installed gmapping, navigation, robot_localization, and amcl packages.

URDF Model Configuration

  • Add a new package my_robot_description
  • Configured and tested the URDF model including the LIDAR sensor.
  • Visualized the model using RViz on a laptop through X11 forwarding.

Map Creation

  • Created a map server
  • Add the map using the map_server package.

Navigation Stack Setup

  • Configured the move_base node with necessary parameters for path planning.
  • Set up AMCL for localization with adjusted parameters for the robot.
  • Configured robot_localization to fuse data from IMU, encoders, and LIDAR.
  • Developed launch files to initiate map server, AMCL, move_base, and sensor drivers.
  • All in this package:
├── config/                 # Directory for configuration files
│   ├── amcl_params.yaml
│   ├── costmap_common_params.yaml
│   ├── global_costmap_params.yaml
│   ├── local_costmap_params.yaml
│   ├── base_local_planner_params.yaml
│   └── ekf_params.yaml     # If using robot_localization
├── launch/                 # Directory for launch files
│   ├── navigation.launch
│   ├── amcl.launch.xml
│   └── move_base.launch.xml
├── maps/                   # Directory for storing map files
│   ├── your_map.yaml
│   └── your_map.pgm
├── urdf/                   # Directory for URDF files
│   ├── create2_with_lidar.urdf.xacro
│   └── create2_with_lidar.urdf
├── CMakeLists.txt          # Standard CMake list file for building ROS packages
└── package.xml             # Package information and dependencies

Links from Zubin

How do we add LIDAR to a ROS robot? (

Easy SLAM with ROS using slam_toolbox (

These are also done in ROS 2 but the idea is the same. Seems like your group has successfully gotten the lidar to communicate with ROS, now you need to find which SLAM algorithm will work best for you guys

create3_examples/create3_lidar at galactic · iRobotEducation/create3_examples · GitHub

This is for create 3 but should still be applicable to create 2

4.18 Update


  • Setup Pi
  • Setup create2 with Pi
  • Setup Lidar with Pi
  • Done mapping, still working on details


4.16 Update




Create Robot Repo Driver

Create Robot Interface


做完发现还有一个包是: 不太清楚这个是否可以驱动,留作备用

Setup Steps for Create 2

  • Install ROS2

  • Followe instruction in Install

  • Build successfully(Remember to set ROS env correctly!)

  • Run bringup: ros2 launch create_bringup create_2.launch

  • Using to control via cmd_vel topic