
UniStartApp project by programmers from Team "6": Wojciech Fabjańczuk, Wiktor Michalski, Konrad Opaliński

Primary LanguagePython

Copernicus Data Proxy

RESTful API for download management of data from Copernicus Climate Data Store: https://cds.climate.copernicus.eu/

Swagger documentation: https://app.swaggerhub.com/apis-docs/wfabjanczuk/copernicus_proxy/1.0.0

Mock interface for testing purposes is available at URL canvas/copernicus/. Enable it by:

  • uncommenting path('canvas/', include('canvas.urls')), in copernicus_proxy/urls.py,
  • entering command python3.7 manage.py collectstatic in the project root folder.

Online demo (debug mode, no downloading and 20 maximum tasks) can be seen here: https://intense-island-59212.herokuapp.com/canvas/copernicus/

Installation process (Ubuntu 18.04 and Python 3.7)

Full installation script and instructions are available in file install_ubuntu_18-04.sh in the project root folder.


At first do not forget to initialize Django database in the project root folder (where the manage.py is located):

python3.7 manage.py migrate

To start or restart workers and reload task queue use the following commands (unfinished tasks will be restarted):

python3.7 manage.py restartworkers <number_of_workers>

where <number_of_workers> is an integer from 1 to 30 specifying how many background processes will be created to handle download requests to Copernicus Climate Data Store.

To start the Copernicus Data Proxy API itself, use standard Django runserver command:

python3.7 manage.py runserver