
Created with CodeSandbox

Primary LanguageJavaScript

building a form in react with styled components and hooks

  1. Setup a basic react application
  2. Think about what COMPONENTS I need
    • Input component - captures user input
    • Label component - Describes input field
    • Field component - Container for both a label and an input
    • Checkbox component - self explanatory
    • Button component - Submit button for the form
    • Form component

Important: Learn to think in components. A component is the simplest unit of an application/website/e.t.c that can be reused, extended or configured independently. If it helps you could use lego blocks as a metaphor. Our goal is to use different independent lego blocks to build a larger lego "thing"

  1. Setup data flow
    • Need to listen for change event in the input components
    • Need to listen for submit event in the form