
A collection of some more or less simple micro:bit projects.

Alarm (blocks)

A motion detection alarm.

  • Press A+B
  • Place alarm before timer has reached zero.
  • When the lock icon is shown, the alarm will go off if moved.

Candle (blocks)

A magic canndle simulator.

  • Snap your fingers to light the canndle.
  • Blow it out.

ScrumPoker (javascript)

A scrum poker app.

  • Swap card by pressing A or B.
  • Select and hide card by pressing A+B.
  • Reveal card by pressen A or B.

Instrument (blocks)

An experimental "instrument"

  • Turn on/off sound with B.
  • Tilt device left or right to change sound.

JingleBells (blocks)

A chistmas gift surprise.

  • Press A+B
  • Place micro:bit in closed box before timer has reached zero.
  • The music will start playing when box is open if the light level is high enough.

SerialMonitor (blocks + requires program on computer)

A small monitor to display a value from the serial port. It also plays a beep if the number is higher than before.

  • Connect micro:bit to serialport using USB-cable.
  • Start program on computer to send a value (ending with new line character) through the serial port.
  • If the value is higher than the last one a beep will be played.
  • If the value is higher than 9, the value will scroll past and then show a sad face.
  • Replay the value by pressing A.
  • Togle sound on/off by pressing B.
  • Change brightness of the LEDs by pressing the logo.

IconChat (blocks)

A small chat program that sends an icon over radio to other micro:bits.

  • Use A or B to scroll through the available icons.
  • Press A+B to send the selected icon via radio to any micro:bit in range.

RollingBall (blocks)

Test application for using the accelerometer to control a sprite.

  • Tilt the microbit to steer the sprite.
  • Press A or B for sound effects.

Fireplace (blocks)

Fireplace simulator.

  • Watch the beautiful fireplace and listen to the sparkling sound it make.
  • Smoke not included.

2plRockPaperScissors (blocks)

A Rock Paper Scissors game for two players (two micro:bits).

  • Use A or B to scroll through the signs.
  • Press A+B to send the sign.
  • When both players has selected signs an animation plays on both devices showing the other players sign.
  • It then show the result and the current score.
  • Press A+B to continue to next round. Both devices continue if one player presses A+B.

TreasureHunt (blocks)

A multiplayer treasure hunt.

  • Press A to start treasure mode. It sends a signal ebery half second.
  • Press B to start hunter mode. It displays the signal strength from the treasue or a sad face if no signal was recieved in two seconds.
  • Press A+B to go to start mode.

MultiPlayerSync (blocks)

An example on how to connect several devices and select a master device.

  • Start all devices. All units should whow a ghost icon.
  • Press A or B to start sync. A = select random master device, B = select the current device as master.
  • During sync, all devices should show how many devices they find (including them self).
  • After sync is completed a crown-icon will be shown on the selected master unit, the other devices should show a person-icon.