This repository contains example notebooks demonstrating how to use RAPIDS for GPU-accelerated analysis of single-cell sequencing data.
RAPIDS is a suite of open-source Python libraries that can speed up data science workflows using GPU acceleration.Starting from a single-cell count matrix, RAPIDS libraries can be used to perform data processing, dimensionality reduction, clustering, visualization, and comparison of cell clusters.
Several of our examples are inspired by the Scanpy tutorials and based upon the AnnData format. Currently, we provide examples for scRNA-seq and scATAC-seq, and we have scaled up to 1 million cells. We also show how to create GPU-powered interactive, in-browser visualizations to explore single-cell datasets.
Dataset sizes for single-cell genomics studies are increasing, presently reaching millions of cells. With RAPIDS, it becomes easy to analyze large datasets interactively and in real time, enabling faster scientific discoveries.
A container with all dependencies, notebooks and source code is available at
Please execute the following commands to start the notebook and follow the URL in the log to open Jupyter web application.
docker pull claraparabricks/single-cell-examples_rapids_cuda11.0
docker run --gpus all --rm -v /mnt/data:/data claraparabricks/single-cell-examples_rapids_cuda11.0
All dependencies for these examples can be installed with conda. CUDA versions 10.1 and higher are supported currently.
conda env create --name rapidgenomics -f conda/rapidgenomics_cuda10.2.yml
conda activate rapidgenomics
python -m ipykernel install --user --display-name "Python (rapidgenomics)"
If installing for a system running a CUDA 10.1 driver, use conda/rapidgenomics_cuda10.1.yml
. For CUDA 11.0, use conda/rapidgenomics_cuda11.0.yml
After installing the necessary dependencies, you can just run jupyter lab
Lanuch script (./launch) can be used to start example notebooks either on a host or in a docker container. This script prepares the environment and acquires the dataset for the examples.
# rapids-single-cell-examples$ ./launch -h
usage: launch <command> [<args>]
Following commands are wrapped by this tool:
container : Start Jupyter notebook in a container
host : Start Jupyter notebook on the host
dataset : Download dataset
execute : Execute an example
create_env : Create conda environment for an example
To execute 'hlca_lung' example in container, please execute the following command:
./launch container -d /path/to/store/dataset -e hlca_lung
Example launcher
positional arguments:
command Subcommand to run
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
./launch host
can be used to create a conda environment for executing any of the examples. To list all supported examples, please execute ./launch host -h
./launch container
can be used to setup a container for the example.
./launch execute
, can be used to run an example in the background. Results are saved inplace.
Unified Virtual Memory (UVM) can be used to oversubscribe your GPU memory so that chunks of data will be automatically offloaded to main memory when necessary. This is a great way to explore data without having to worry about out of memory errors, but it does degrade performance in proportion to the amount of oversubscription. UVM is enabled by default in these examples and can be enabled/disabled in any RAPIDS workflow with the following:
import cupy as cp
import rmm
RAPIDS provides a GPU Dashboard, which contains useful tools to monitor GPU hardware right in Jupyter.
If you use this code, please cite:
We use RAPIDS to accelerate the analysis of a ~70,000-cell single-cell RNA sequencing dataset from human lung cells. This example includes preprocessing, dimension reduction, clustering, visualization and gene ranking.
The dataset is from Travaglini et al. 2020. If you wish to run the example notebook using the same data, use the following command to download the count matrix for this dataset and store it in the data
wget -P <path to this repository>/data
Follow this Jupyter notebook for RAPIDS analysis of this dataset. In order for the notebook to run, the file needs to be in the same folder as the notebook.
We provide a second notebook with the CPU version of this analysis here.
We report the runtime of these notebooks on various GCP instances below. All runtimes are given in seconds. Acceleration is given in parentheses. Benchmarking was performed on Dec 16, 2020.
Step | CPU e2-standard-32 32 vCPUs |
GPU n1-standard-16 T4 16 GB GPU (Acceleration) |
GPU n1-highmem-8 Tesla V100 16 GB GPU (Acceleration) |
GPU a2-highgpu-1g Tesla A100 40GB GPU (Acceleration) |
Preprocessing | 351 | 87 (4x) | 78 (5x) | 91 (4x) |
PCA | 5.7 | 4.6 (1.2x) | 3.2 (2x) | 2.7 (2x) |
t-SNE | 235 | 3.8 (62x) | 1.9 (124x) | 2.2 (107x) |
k-means (single iteration) | 17.6 | 0.55 (32x) | 0.14 (126x) | 0.09 (196x) |
KNN | 39 | 20.6 (2x) | 20.9 (2x) | 5.3 (7x) |
UMAP | 46 | 0.97 (47x) | 0.52 (88x) | 0.63 (73x) |
Louvain clustering | 16.9 | 0.22 (77x) | 0.19 (89x) | 0.14 (121x) |
Leiden clustering | 16.5 | 0.15 (110x) | 0.12 (138x) | 0.12 (138x) |
Differential Gene Expression | 108 | 6.9 (16x) | 2.5 (43x) | 2.0 (54x) |
Re-analysis of subgroup | 28 | 5.1 (5x) | 4.3 (7x) | 4.1 (7x) |
End-to-end notebook run | 883 | 154 | 142 | 125 |
Price ($/hr) | 1.073 | 1.110 | 2.953 | 4.00 |
Total cost ($) | 0.263 | 0.047 | 0.116 | 0.139 |
We demonstrate the use of RAPIDS to accelerate the analysis of single-cell RNA-seq data from 1 million cells. This example includes preprocessing, dimension reduction, clustering and visualization.
This example relies heavily on UVM and a few of the operations oversubscribed a 32GB V100 GPU on a DGX1. While this example should work on any GPU built on the Pascal architecture or newer, you will want to make sure there is enough main memory available. Oversubscribing a GPU by more than a factor of 2x can cause thrashing in UVM, which can ultimately lead to the notebook freezing.
The dataset was made publicly available by 10X Genomics. Use the following command to download the count matrix for this dataset and store it in the data
wget -P <path to this repository>/data
Follow this Jupyter notebook for RAPIDS analysis of this dataset. In order for the notebook to run, the files and need to be in the same folder as the notebook.
We provide a second notebook with the CPU version of this analysis here.
We report the runtime of these notebooks on various GCP instances below. All runtimes are given in seconds. Acceleration is given in parentheses. Benchmarking was performed on Dec 16, 2020.
Step | CPU n1-highmem-32 32 vCPUs |
GPU n1-highmem-16 T4 16 GB GPU (Acceleration) |
GPU n1-highmem-16 Tesla V100 16 GB GPU (Acceleration) |
GPU a2-highgpu-1g Tesla A100 40GB GPU (Acceleration) |
Preprocessing | 1715 | 756 (2.3x) | 308 (6x) | 201 (9x) |
PCA | 29.2 | 28 (1.04x) | 24 (1.2x) | 11.4 (2.6x) |
t-SNE | 4990 | 128 (39x) | 39 (128x) | 28 (178x) |
k-means (single iteration) | 126 | 13.7 (9x) | 2.7 (47x) | 1.9 (66x) |
KNN | 185 | 150 (1.2x) | 89 (2.1x) | 46 (4x) |
UMAP | 1307 | 79 (17x) | 18.8 (70x) | 13.4 (98x) |
Louvain clustering | 905 | 5.0 (181x) | 2.8 (323x) | 1.9 (476x) |
Leiden clustering | 3061 | 4.4 (696x) | 2.0 (1531x) | 1.4 (2186x) |
Re-analysis of subgroup | 159 | 15.8 (10x) | 13 (12x) | 9.3 (17x) |
End-to-end notebook run | 12708 | 1399 | 702 | 502 |
Price ($/hr) | 1.893 | 1.296 | 5.906 | 4.00 |
Total cost ($) | 6.682 | 0.504 | 1.164 | 0.553 |
We demonstrate how to use RAPIDS, Scanpy and Plotly Dash to create an interactive dashboard where we visualize a single-cell RNA-sequencing dataset. Within the interactive dashboard, we can cluster, visualize, and compare any selected groups of cells.
Additional dependencies are needed for this example. Follow these instructions for conda installation:
conda env create --name rapidgenomics-viz -f conda/rapidgenomics_cuda10.2.viz.yml
conda activate rapidgenomics-viz
python -m ipykernel install --user --display-name "Python (rapidgenomics-viz)"
After installing the necessary dependencies, you can just run jupyter lab
The dataset used here is the same as in example 1.
Follow this Jupyter notebook to create the interactive visualization. In order for the notebook to run, the files and need to be in the same folder as the notebook.
We demonstrate the use of RAPIDS to accelerate the analysis of single-cell ATAC-seq data from 60,495 cells. We start with the peak-cell matrix, then perform peak selection, normalization, dimensionality reduction, clustering, and visualization. We also visualize regulatory activity at marker genes and compute differential peaks.
The dataset is taken from Lareau et al., Nat Biotech 2019. We processed the dataset to include only cells in the 'Resting' condition and peaks with nonzero coverage. Use the following command to download (1) the processed peak-cell count matrix for this dataset (.h5ad), (2) the set of nonzero peak names (.npy), and (3) the cell metadata (.csv), and store them in the data
wget -P <path to this repository>/data; \
wget -P <path to this repository>/data; \
wget -P <path to this repository>/data
Follow this Jupyter notebook for RAPIDS analysis of this dataset. In order for the notebook to run, the files and need to be in the same folder as the notebook.
We provide a second notebook with the CPU version of this analysis here.
We report the runtime of these notebooks on various GCP instances below. All runtimes are given in seconds. Acceleration is given in parentheses. Benchmarking was performed on Dec 16, 2020.
Step | CPU e2-standard-32 32 vCPUs |
GPU n1-standard-16 T4 16 GB GPU (Acceleration) |
GPU n1-highmem-8 Tesla V100 16 GB GPU (Acceleration) |
GPU a2-highgpu-1g Tesla A100 40GB GPU (Acceleration) |
PCA | 190 | 137 (1.4x) | 68 (2.8x) | 52 (4x) |
KNN | 37 | 17.9 (2.1x) | 19.2 (2x) | 4.6 (8x) |
UMAP | 33 | 1.3 (25x) | 0.94 (35x) | 0.68 (49x) |
Louvain clustering | 7.5 | 0.16 (47x) | 0.16 (47x) | 0.10 (75x) |
Leiden clustering | 11.4 | 0.09 (127x) | 0.08 (143x) | 0.08 (143x) |
t-SNE | 266 | 3.6 (74x) | 2.1 (127x) | 2.3 (116x) |
Differential Peak Analysis | 992 | 23 (43x) | 17.6 (56x) | 9.8 (101x) |
End-to-end notebook run | 1561 | 182 | 130 | 87 |
Price ($/hr) | 1.073 | 1.110 | 2.953 | 4.00 |
Total cost ($) | 0.465 | 0.063 | 0.106 | 0.096 |
Example 5: Visualizing Chromatin Accessibility in 5,000 PBMCs with RAPIDS and AtacWorks (Beta version)
We analyze single-cell ATAC-seq data from 5000 PBMC cells as in example 4. Additionally, we use cuDF to calculate and visualize cluster-specific chromatin accessibility in selected marker regions. Finally, we use a deep learning model trained with AtacWorks, to improve the accuracy of the chromatin accessibility track and call peaks in individual clusters.
The dataset was made publicly available by 10X Genomics. Use the following command to download the peak x cell count matrix and the fragment file for this dataset, and store both in the data
wget -P <path to this repository>/data
wget -P <path to this repository>/data
wget -P <path to this repository>/data
We use a pre-trained deep learning model to denoise the chromatin accessibility track and call peaks. This model can be downloaded into the models
wget -P <path to this repository>/models
Follow this Jupyter notebook for GPU analysis of this dataset. In order for the notebook to run, the files, and need to be in the same folder as the notebook.
For our examples, we stored the count matrix in a sparse .h5ad
format. To convert a different count matrix into this format, follow the instructions in this notebook.