
Feature-level domain adaptation

Primary LanguageMATLABMIT LicenseMIT

Feature-level domain adaptation

This repository contains MATLAB code accompanying the paper:

"Feature-level domain adaptation."

which is published in the Journal of Machine Learning Research 2016 (pdf/preprint).

For a cleaner implementation of flda as well as a translation into Python, see my library on transfer learners and domain-adaptive classifiers: libTLDA.


Clone the repository (bash):

git clone https://github.com/wmkouw/flda

Installation consists of adding the repository to your path (matlab):



Flda depends on minFunc and libSVM. First download and extract them (bash):

wget http://www.cs.ubc.ca/~schmidtm/Software/minFunc_2012.zip -O minFunc.zip
unzip minFunc.zip

wget http://www.csie.ntu.edu.tw/~cjlin/cgi-bin/libsvm.cgi?+http://www.csie.ntu.edu.tw/~cjlin/libsvm+zip -O libSVM.zip
unzip libSVM.zip

Then add them to your path (matlab):



Repo contains the following folders:

  • experiment-*: contains scripts for running experiments reported in the paper.
  • data: contains the digits, spam, office, imdb and amazon data sets.
  • util: contains utility functions and algorithms.

To start an experiment, call the corresponding experiment function (matlab):

cd experiment-amazon/

Options for classifiers are:

  • 'flda_log_b': flda with logistic loss and blankout transfer model
  • 'flda_log_d': flda with logistic loss and dropout transfer model
  • 'flda_qd_b': flda with quadratic loss and blankout transfer model
  • 'flda_qd_d': flda with quadratic loss and dropout transfer model
  • 'gfk_knn': geodesic flow kernel with a k-nearest-neighbour classifier
  • 'tca_svm': transfer component analysis with a support vector machine
  • 'sa_svm': subspace alignment with a support vector machine
  • 'kmm': kernel mean matching with importance-weighted logistic regression
  • 'scl': structural correspondence learning with logistic regression


Bugs, comments and questions can be submitted to the issues tracker.