{0.75} Introduction
- {0.5} Overview of ML workflow -> decks/Recommender_Workshop_01_Introduction.pptx
- {0.25} MovieLens data intro -> notebooks/01_exploring_data.ipynb
- preflight: CFN template check -> cfn_setup.yaml
- launch individual notebook instances
- what sizes?
- clone repo -> http://bit.ly/2wkaV0N (this repo)
[0.5] Unsupervised ML
- concepts
- hands-on
[0.25] Break
[1] Recommendation Engine
- [0.25] concepts
- [0.75] hands-on
- show movie recommender website: http://sagemaker-nab-demo.s3-website-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/
- clone repo to individual notebook instances
- run all at beginning of workshop
- TBD: perform training locally?
- during training: discussion of underlying mechanisms for SageMaker (Batch, ECR, etc)
[0.5] Hyperparameter Optimization (PPT+Demo)
- overview
- demo w/ XGBoost
[0.25] Wrap-up (PPT)
- Other resources
- Next steps