
Simple nodejs module for validate object elements by custom rule with custom error messages.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Build Status


Simple nodejs module for validate object elements by custom rule with custom error messages.

Validator Declarations

Validators for various object types are declares in a config file (File may contain validator definitions for one or more objects).

// Properties in an ordered sequence
var personvalidator = [
    fieldId : 'firstname',
    fieldName : 'First Name',
      { method : 'notEmpty', message: 'First Name cannot be empty'},
      { method : 'maxLength', param : 2}
    fieldId : 'lastname',
    fieldName : 'Last Name',
      { method : 'notEmpty', message: 'Last Name cannot be empty'},
      { method : 'maxLength', param : 2}
module.exports.validationPool = {
   person: personvalidator


Load this config in your application (Node.js example)

// Load Config
var validatorConfig = require("./validationmodel.conf.js");
// Load Object Validator Module
var ObjValidation  = require('objvalidator');

Somewhere in the app - run validation...

var type = 'person';
// Lookup validator for the object
var personvalidator = validatorConfig[type];
// Instantiate validator
var validator = new ObjValidation.ObjValidation();
// Object to Validate
var a_person = {'firstname': 'Bob', 'firstname': '',};
// Run Validation
var validation = validator.validateProcess(personvalidator, a_person);