
ACL for Laravel 6.2

Primary LanguagePHP

Using laravel 6.*

About Project

[pt-BR]Criei este projeto para iniciar um modelo que consiste em implementar ACL e regras gerenciadas por papéis.

I created this project to start a model that consists of implementing ACL and role-managed rules.

[pt-BR] Necessário comentar as linhas 34 a 41 do arquivo \App\Providers\AuthServiceProvider.php, para que não haja erros nas migrations e na seeders

You need to comment out lines 34 through 41 of the \App\Providers\AuthServiceProvider.php, file so that there are no errors in migrations and seeders.

  • [pt-BR]Para usar basta baixar e instalar as dependencias.

  • To use just download and install the dependencies.

  • [pt-BR]Criar e inserir as credencias do banco de dados no arquivo .ENV.

  • Create and insert database credentials in file .ENV.

  • [pt-BR]Rodar o comando php artisan migrate --seed.

  • Run the command php artisan migrate --seed.

Laravel is accessible, powerful, and provides tools required for large, robust applications.


Wagner Fernando Momesso


