Semantics-based Digital Humanities, inspired by the embodied cognitive sciences and conceptual metaphor theory
The University of ExeterExeter, United Kingdom
wmshort's Followers
- aconserUniversity of Cincinnati
- AkechiShiroFrance
- aniseferreiraUNESP
- BarbaraMcGKing's College London
- bblumenfelderMunich, Germany
- Chirag997
- codykinghamAustin, TX
- coop18Auckland
- danielrrufMadrid
- Deaddys
- dmsmileyUniversity Of Notre Dame
- e2y9Glasgow, Scotland
- ecomp-shONgitUniversity Trier, Ancient History
- EricaBiagettiUniversità degli Studi di Pavia
- ETYatesBoston, MA
- FreedomFromOthers
- johnviningMadison, Wi
- jsrustenCornell University
- jtauberSignum University
- mapoulos@spotify
- maxbyzAtelier Stoilkovits
- mgbilbyUnited States
- mziku@ii-aegean
- n403الجزائر
- nOkuda
- oraec
- OratoireduLouvreOratoire du Louvre
- PonteIneptiqueALMAnaCH, Inria
- rgorman
- riabaldevia
- scotarttAutonomous Organisation
- simondschweitzer
- sjhuskeyUniversity of Oklahoma
- spyrntouGreece , Patra
- telpirionGoogle LLC
- WizardOfMenloEPFL