
Matrix multiplication program in python

Primary LanguagePython

GCI Matrix Multiplication

Matrix multiplication program written in python3 and compared to jit optimized version and numpy.


matmul.py contains the functions and their numba.jit optimized versions.

time_matmul.py measures the time it takes in seconds to do matrix multiplication on NxN matrices on themeselves. It stores the input size N, and the time it takes to do a matmul on a random NxN matrix by itself, for input sizes from 10 until max argument. The results are stored in:

  • matmul.txt for my matrix multiplication

  • matmul_jit.txt for my matrix multiplication but optimized with numba.jit

  • matmul_numpy.txt for numpy matrix multiplication.

python3 time_matmul.py -h
usage: time_matmul.py [-h] [--jit | --numpy] [max]

Timing matrix multiplication functions. Output saved to matmul.txt,
matmul_jit.txt, matmul_numpy.txt

positional arguments:
  max          loop from 10 with a step of 10 till this number, default is 500

optional arguments:
  -h, --help   show this help message and exit
  --jit, -j    Time the numba jit optimized version of my matmul
  --numpy, -n  Time the numpy version of matmul

display.py renders the measurements from these files using matplotlib

python3 display.py -h
usage: display.py [-h] [--jit] [--numpy] [--normal]

Compare times vs input for matrix multiplication using matplotlib

optional arguments:
  -h, --help    show this help message and exit
  --jit, -j     Display jit
  --numpy, -n   Display numpy
  --normal, -c  Display my matrix multiplication



python3 display.py --normal --jit --numpy


Numpy and my matmul optimized with jit

python3 display.py --jit --numpy


My matmul normally and optimized by jit

python3 display.py --normal --jit


My matmul and Numpy matmul

python3 display.py --numpy --normal
