
Miscellaneous tools

Primary LanguageShell

Miscellaneous tools


  • Miscellaneous tools
  • sh/: Shell script tools
  • r/: R tools


  1. Update the master branch

    git fetch upstream
    git merge upstream/master
    • For the first time, you need to registor the address of the github repository

      git remote add upstream github_repository_address
  2. Commit all current works and push to the upstream

    git add -A
    git commit -a
    git push origin master
    • If you are working at the branch other than the master branch

      git pull origin master
      git checkout master
      git merge current_working_branch_name
  3. Pull request

    git add -A
    git commit -a
    git push origin harakonan
    • harakonan is the name of my working branch

    • Pull request on the github page after the push

    • For the first time, you need to create a working branch

      git checkout -b harakonan


  1. LATEX documents

    • The LATEX2ε Sources

      texdoc source2e
    • Standard Document Classes for LATEX

      texdoc classes
  2. Font size in LATEX

    preamble 10pt 11pt 12pt
    \tiny 5pt 6pt 6pt
    \scriptsize 7pt 8pt 8pt
    \footnotesize 8pt 9pt 10pt
    \small 9pt 10pt 11pt
    \normalsize 10pt 11pt 12pt
    \large 12pt 12pt 14pt
    \Large 14pt 14pt 17pt
    \LARGE 17pt 17pt 20pt
    \huge 20pt 20pt 25pt
    \Huge 25pt 25pt 25pt
  3. bibtex

    1. Issues
      1. moderncv package
        • update bbl file after the update of publications.bib
          1. activate the line with \nocite
          2. compile
          3. comment out the line with \nocite after creating bbl file
          4. compile
  4. tex file in Japanese

    1. jsarticle

      1. uplatex (recommended)

        • Only use utf-8

        • Preamble

        • Compilation

          uplatex.sh (-b) file-name_w/o_extension
          • options
            • -b biber
      2. platex

        • SJIS can be used

        • Preamble

        • Compilation

          platex.sh (-b) file-name_w/o_extension
          • options
            • -b biber
    2. beamer

      1. uplatex (recommended)

        • Only use utf-8

        • Preamble

        • Compilation

          uplatex.sh (-b) file-name_w/o_extension
          • options
            • -b biber
      2. platex

        • SJIS can be used

        • Preamble

        • Compilation

          platex.sh (-b) file-name_w/o_extension
          • options
            • -b biber
  5. latexdiff-vc

    1. Compare previous commit with current file

      git commit file_name.bbl
      latexdiff-vc -e utf8 --git --flatten --force -d diff -r HEAD file_name.tex

Format conversions

  1. md -> tex

    1. Convert md to tex

      md-tex.sh file-name_w/o_extension
    2. Convert md to pdf using latex

      md-latex.sh (-l) file-name_w/o_extension
      • options
        • -l landscape
    3. Convert md to pdf using uplatex

      md-uplatex.sh (-l) file-name_w/o_extension
      • options
        • -l landscape
  2. R -> Rnw

    1. Write R file with Rnw commands like chunks and chapter titles

    2. Add # before \, <<, and @ to execute as an R file

    3. Paste contents of R file between \maketitle{} and \end{document} in the Rnw file

    4. Remove # before \, <<, and @

      • Next code will do this and open Rnw file with RStudio

        r-rnw.sh file-name_w/o_extension
    5. Compile Rnw file in RStudio


  1. Commands

    • Start

      mysql.server start
    • Log in to MySQL as the root user

      mysql -u root -p
    • Log in to MySQL as a user named harakonan

      mysql -u harakonan -p
    • Work with database named dbname

      use dbname;
    • Stop

      mysql.server stop
  2. Notes

    • Location of the data file of the database dbname
      • /usr/local/var/mysql/dbname


  1. Permit execution of an sh file

    chmod 755 file-name