Python client library for Telerivet REST API Overview: --------- This library makes it easy to integrate your Python application with Telerivet. You can use it to: - send SMS messages via an Android phone or SMS gateway service - update contact information in Telerivet (e.g. from a signup form on your own website) - add or remove contacts from groups - export your message/contact data from Telerivet into your own systems - schedule messages to be sent at a later time - control automated services - much more All API methods are fully documented at , as well as in the comments of the Python source files. To learn what functionality is available, start with telerivet/, telerivet/, and telerivet/ . System Requirements: -------------------- Python 2.6 or higher (including Python 3) Python Requests module - <> Installation: ------------- Make sure the Requests module is installed: You can either embed the 'telerivet' directory directly in your Python package, or install the library into your site-packages by running: python install Example Usage: -------------- from __future__ import print_function # python 2/3 compatibility for example code import telerivet API_KEY = 'YOUR_API_KEY' # from PROJECT_ID = 'YOUR_PROJECT_ID' tr = telerivet.API(API_KEY) project = tr.initProjectById(PROJECT_ID) # Send a SMS message project.sendMessage( to_number = '555-0001', content = 'Hello world!' ) # Query contacts name_prefix = 'John'; cursor = project.queryContacts( name = {'prefix': name_prefix}, sort = 'name' ).limit(20) print("%d contacts matching %s:\n" % (cursor.count(), name_prefix)) for contact in cursor: print(, contact.phone_number, contact.vars.birthdate) # Import a contact contact = project.getOrCreateContact( name = 'John Smith', phone_number = '555-0001', vars = { 'birthdate': '1981-03-04', 'network': 'Vodacom' } ) # Add a contact to a group group = project.getOrCreateGroup('Subscribers') contact.addToGroup(group)