
Textmate bundle that facilitates writing of inlists and code for Modules for Experiments in Stellar Astrophysics (MESA).


Textmate bundle that facilitates writing of inlists and code for Modules for Experiments in Stellar Astrophysics (MESA).

All commands use ruby to access MESA source files. To get things to work properly, you will probalby need to make a TextMate variable called TM_MESA_DIR. In Textmate 2, go to preferences and the "Variables" panel. Create this new variable and set it to the mesa directory you want to read information from. For some reason, I have trouble getting things to work with the standard MESA_DIR.

All commands are compliant with ruby 2.0, but they should be compliant with ruby 1.9.3. To check which version of ruby you are using, type

ruby -v

into your terminal.

Bug reports and suggestiosn welcome. This tool is certainly far from complete.