
To make an Android app which takes touch responses on touch screen of mobile and controls the mouse pointer on the laptop/computer screen through Bluetooth (or any other connection).so we want to shift the trackpad of your PC to screen of your mobile . It will also include the facility to use keypad of mobile to type on PC .so overall, one would be able to control his pc using his mobile phone. Will try to include features like motion sensor of mobile to play games on pc.`

Primary LanguageJava

1.To Start a connection , Make sure your pc is the "ONLY" device paired to your phone and bluetooth is turned on in your phone.

2.Compile and run blumouse-server.c

  (Before that you have to install the following packages :
	1.libxtst & libxtst-dev 
	2.libbluetooth & libbluetooth-dev )

  Compile using the following command:
	gcc -o blumouse-server blumouse-server.c -lbluetooth -L/usr/X11R6/lib -lX11 -lXtst
  Run from terminal using ./blumouse-server.

3.Next install and open the app (blumouse) in your phone.(This step should be done only after blumouse-server is running in terminal.)

4.Now after you run the app , you'll get two messages : 
	Accepted connection from xx.xx.xx.xx.xx.xx
	Connection Started :) 
  If you get these two messages , that means your phone is ready to use as a mouse :)

  Else, exit from the blumouse-server process, start in again. now relaunch the app in your phone.

Instructions to use:
	Use the black portion of the screen as a touch pad.
	The two buttons below are left and right clicks.
	If you press and hold any of the button it means that you are holding down the mousebutton . 
	If you want to toggle the button's state ,then again press and hold it to bring back to normal

Caution : be careful not to tilt phone (in phones which auto align to gravity) because then, the socket will be reset..

**PS: You can change the sensitivity , and the resolution of your screen in the blumouse-server.c file (they are globals) **