
apple tv 3D effect in vanilla JS

Primary LanguageJavaScriptBSD 3-Clause Clear LicenseBSD-3-Clause-Clear


Apple TV 3D hover effect in vanilla JS


<script src="pivot.js"></script>
<script>pivot.init({ options });</script>
Key Default Expects Example
selector null string .content-block,#search-box
perspective false number 1000
sensitivity false number 20
invert false boolean false
scale false boolean true
shadow false boolean true
shine false boolean true
persist false boolean false
position false {object} {
  method: "absolute",
  zindex: 5
transition false {object} {
  property: "transform, background-color",
  duration: 0.2,
  timing: "cubic-bezier(0.3,1,0.2,1)"
hoverInClass false "string" hover-in
hoverOutClass false "string" hover-out
hoverClass false "string" hovering
touchEnabled touch() N/A N/A (this function automatically detects touch/no-touch and passes the info down the chain)

Notes on inputs

This plugin is designed to be quite difficult to break. Most inputs are type-checked and improper inputs are substituted for standard values in the event of a mistake. This does mean that the plugin is relatively script when it comes to initiating.

perspective should be provided as a number, to which "px" is then appended to give the value expected for the CSS property. Entering a string here will not work, and will cause the default value to be used.

sensitivity is an internal value used to calculate the magnitude of the rotate transformation. It should be a number and will default to 20 if it is not fed a new number.

invert, scale, shadow, shine and persist are not customisable at the moment. invert, shine and persist are really binary options which can only be flicked on and off—though the actual shine colour could technically be opened up to user customisation. shadow and scale are definitely more customisable, and I will be expanding the code to allow for initial and hovered values for box-shadow in the future; scale will also be opened up to enable the user to pick a scale factor.

position's zindex property expects a number, and if it receives a string it will default to 5. Similarly, transition.duration also expects a number. This number will be handled according to a formatting standard whereby time values in excess of 50 will be assumed to be milliseconds and numbers greater than 1 expected to be decimal fractions of a second. This behaviour can therefore be overridden by supplying a massive number like 3000, but transitions really shouldn't exceed a second or two at maximum, and thus we assume values larger than 1 to be user errors.

transition.timing is a subject for debate. I would prefer to require an [a,r,r,a,y] of four numeric values to fulfil a cubic-bezier curve, but the thought occurs that many users of this plugin might prefer to enter ease or linear. It strikes me that such users can add transition effects from their stylesheet if they cannot work with cubic-bezier curves.

The length of the timeouts for the hover-in and hover-out classes will also be opened up at a later date.