
A challenge to test a front end engineer's ability to implement a designed user experience.


The Wonderful UI / Interaction Developer Challenge

The purpose of this challenge is to test and measure a Front End engineer's ability to interpret and implement a sample user interface that is detailed by a provided design. In this document, we will present you with a scenario that is intended to help showcase your engineering talents and spark creative thinking and problem solving. We will be watching both the journey and the final product.

The Story

Wonderful designers have mocked a landing page that has been approved by the "client", and this landing page is now ready to be implemented. The plan is to implement this page in a way that allows the code to be agnostic of the platform or framework in which they ultimately will reside. Therefore, the request is to develop them with Javascript, CSS, and HTML.

The designers and client are open for any embellishments that might further breathe life into the page, but are also content to launch a page that simply matches the design. It is at the developer's discretion as to how to interpret what is correct for this page.


The mocks for the landing page in question are located at the following url: https://www.figma.com/file/sGizBkHcKcy9PUoLYgMYg8/Wonderful-UI-Code-Challenge?node-id=0%3A1

Expected Delivery

  • a live URL to view your submission in action
  • a reviewable copy of the codebase
  • the ability to chat through your process and decisions


  • Develop a front end page (as much as possible within your timeframe) to match the provided mocks. The expectation to be able to understand your decisions about where to best invest your time on a design that would likely take more time than you may have available for this code challenge.
  • Use your best judgement it pertains to animations, interactivity, and responsiveness.
  • Match the mocks to the best of your ability, within the time you have available for this challenge.

The Rules

  • The recommended timeframe is less than 1 week (assuming the challenge is worked on off house, etc), but we understand that you may have limited time to complete this challenge. You are done when you are satisfied, and you feel comfortable returning your work.
  • The completed module must be written with Javascript, CSS, and HTML.
  • You can use any resource or library that you think is best for the product. However, you must be able to justify and attribute any external resource.
  • You can ask as many questions you need to anybody at Wonderful. We have been working with this client for many years and can provide answers or feedback, or validate any assumptions.

You will be graded on:

  • the resilience, strategy, and organization of your codebase
  • your knowledge of best practices
  • your grasp of the CSS language
  • semantic markup
  • the elegance, efficiency, and performance of any javascript
  • your understanding of best HTML practices
  • your creative intuition as to how to "fill in the gaps" that are missing within the design
  • your development speed, compared to the quality of the delivered product
  • how easy it would be for another developer to hop into the project and work with you
  • our understanding of the quality of your development process

✨ Thanks! Good luck!