
Set your Linux and Mac OS X desktop background to images pulled from Reddit

Primary LanguagePython


Set your Mac OS X or Linux desktop background to images pulled from Reddit



  • Supports multiple monitors (Mac OS X only)
  • Handles multiple subreddits
  • Aspect ratio and resolution filtering ensures your backgrounds are always beautiful
  • Flexible sorting lets you choose the quality of images it downloads
  • Can pick images that match the current season
  • Download only option (--image-count) if you want to use OS X's existing folder-based background selector

Try It

  1. Download the project; or clone the repo using git, like:

    git clone https://github.com/rconradharris/reddit-backgrounds.git
  2. Run it:

    cd reddit-background

The default is to use images based on the current season ({seasonal}), so for example, if it’s November, the images will be pulled from /r/AutumnPorn.

Install It

The easiest way to install reddit-background is to copy it to /usr/local/bin. To do this, run this command:

cp reddit-background /usr/local/bin

Configure It

If you'd like to customize reddit-background so that it chooses images images from different subreddits, you can provide a configuration file at ~/.reddit-background.conf. Samples configuration files are provided in the examples directory.

Automate It

Once you have a configuration you like, you can set up reddit-background to rotate your background daily.

There are a number of ways to do this, but one way is to add it to your crontab.

To do this, open up your crontab in an editor:

crontab -e

And once you’ve done that, add the following line:

0 9 * * * /usr/local/bin/reddit-background

Save the file and quit the editor. Now your background will rotate daily at 9:00 in the morning.


Subreddit Sort Options

By default, when you specify a subreddit, you are selecting the top 25 posts over the last month.

You can customize the sort by using the following format:

Argument Possible Values Default
subreddit A subreddit or {seasonal} None
sort contraversial, gilded, hot, new, promoted, rising, top top
limit An integer 25
timeframe all, day, hour, month, week, year month

So, for example, if you want to only include the 5 newest posts from /r/EarthPorn, you would write it as:


Or if you’d like to include the top 10 posts over the year for /r/CityPorn, you’d write it as:


NOTE: Only the top and controversial sort methods use the timeframe option.

Dynamic Subreddits

reddit-background can dynamically pull images from the correct subreddit based on some criteria.

These are called 'dynamic subreddits' and they are specified just like normal except they are enclosed in curly-brackets.

Currently the only one included is {seasonal} which will choose from amongst /r/WinterPorn, /r/SpringPorn, /r/SummerPorn, or /r/AutumnPorn based on the current season (in the northern hemisphere).

Command-Line Usage

In addition to specifying a configuration file, you can also customize reddit-background directly from the command-line.

The arguments represent each subreddit you would like to pull images from. For example, to pull seasonal images and images from /r/CarPorn, you would run:

reddit-background {seasonal} CarPorn

If you have a multi-monitor setup, you can also set the background for a single monitor using the --desktop option like:

reddit-background --desktop 1 BeachPorn

This will set the background on desktop 1 to one of the 5 hottest posts from /r/BeachPorn.

Download Configuration

By default reddit-background will download a single image per desktop and set that to your desktop's background.

In addition, you can use OS X's native folder-based background selector which offers additional features.

To use OS X's background selector, you tell reddit-background to download a set number of images using the --image-count option. This will download these images into the download directory but not actually set them as the background. You then set System Preferences -> Desktop -> Backgrounds to point to the download directory for each desktop.

Show title of image

If you'd like to know the title of the background you're looking at, you have two different options.

On the command-line you can run:

reddit-background --what
Desktop 1
    Perth, Western Australia, from Elizabeth Quay [5376x3024].jpg

Another option is to enable the desktop_symlinks=True configuration. This will place a symlink on you desktop to your current images. This gives you easy access to the image, but more importantly, shows you the title of the image.

Image Choosing Algorithms

There are two algorithms included to pick images for you. The first one is called 'random', and will select images randomly. This is good if you want the most possible variety.

The other algorithm--the default--is called 'bestmatch' and will use Reddit score, aspect ratio, resolution, and tiny bit of randomness to select images that will look good on your particular desktop.

You can select which algorithm to use in the configuration file like so:
