
ProMotion::MapScreen gem. Extracted from ProMotion core.

Primary LanguageRuby


Gem Version Build Status Code Climate

ProMotion-map provides a PM::MapScreen, extracted from the popular RubyMotion gem ProMotion.

ProMotion-map was created by Infinite Red, a web and mobile development company based in Portland, OR and San Francisco, CA. While you're welcome to use it, please note that we rely on the community to maintain it. We are happy to merge pull requests and release new versions but are no longer driving primary development.


gem 'ProMotion-map'


Easily create a map screen, complete with annotations.

Has all the methods of PM::Screen

class MyMapScreen < PM::MapScreen
  title "My Map"
  start_position latitude: 35.090648651123, longitude: -82.965972900391, radius: 4

  def annotation_data
      longitude: -82.965972900391,
      latitude: 35.090648651123,
      title: "Rainbow Falls",
      subtitle: "Nantahala National Forest",
      action: :show_forest,
      pin_color: :green
      longitude: -82.966093558105,
      latitude: 35.092520895652,
      title: "Turtleback Falls",
      subtitle: "Nantahala National Forest",
      action: :show_forest,
      pin_color: MKPinAnnotationColorPurple
      longitude: -82.95916,
      latitude: 35.07496,
      title: "Windy Falls",
      action: :show_forest
      longitude: -82.943031505056,
      latitude: 35.102516828489,
      title: "Upper Bearwallow Falls",
      subtitle: "Gorges State Park",
      action: :show_forest
      longitude: -82.956244328014,
      latitude: 35.085548421623,
      title: "Stairway Falls",
      subtitle: "Gorges State Park",
      your_param: "CustomWhatever",
      action: :show_forest
      coordinate: CLLocationCoordinate2DMake(35.090648651123, -82.965972900391),
      title: "Rainbow Falls",
      subtitle: "Nantahala National Forest",
      image: UIImage.imageNamed("custom-pin"),
      action: :show_forest

  def show_forest
    selected = selected_annotations.first
    # Do something with the selected annotation.

Here's a neat way to zoom into a specific marker in an animated fashion and then select the marker:

def zoom_to_marker(marker)
  set_region region(coordinate: marker.coordinate, span: [0.05, 0.05])
  select_annotation marker



Method that is called to get the map's annotation data and build the map. If you do not want any annotations, simply return an empty array.

All possible properties:

    # REQUIRED -or- use :coordinate
    longitude: -82.956244328014,
    latitude: 35.085548421623,

    # REQUIRED -or- use :longitude & :latitude
    coordinate: CLLocationCoordinate2DMake(35.085548421623, -82.956244328014)

    title: "Stairway Falls", # REQUIRED
    subtitle: "Gorges State Park",
    image: "my_custom_image",
    pin_color: :red, # Defaults to :red. Other options are :green or :purple or any MKPinAnnotationColor
    left_accessory: my_button,
    right_accessory: my_other_button,
    action: :my_action, # Overrides :right_accessory
    action_button_type: UIButtonTypeContactAdd # Defaults to UIButtonTypeDetailDisclosure

You may pass whatever properties you want in the annotation hash, but (:longitude && :latitude || :coordinate), and :title are required.

Use :image to specify a custom image. Pass in a string to conserve memory and it will be converted using UIImage.imageNamed(your_string). If you pass in a UIImage, we'll use that, but keep in mind that there will be another unnecessary copy of the UIImage in memory.

Use :left_accessory and :right_accessory to specify a custom accessory, like a button.

You can access annotation data you've arbitrarily stored in the hash by calling annotation_instance.params[:your_param].

The :action parameter specifies a method that should be run when the detail button is tapped on the annotation. It automatically adds a UIButtonTypeDetailDisclosure button to the :left_accessory. In your method you can find out which annotation's accessory was tapped by calling selected_annotations.first.


Forces a reload of all the annotations


Returns an array of all the annotations.


Returns a CLLocation2D instance with the center coordinates of the map.

center=({latitude: Float, longitude: Float, animated: Boolean})

Sets the center of the map. animated property defaults to true.


Shows the user's location on the map. Must be called in the view initialization sequence on will_appear or after.

track_user_location({ heading: true })

Causes the map view to center the map on that location and begin tracking the user’s location. heading defaults to false but will provide a compass heading if set to true.

look_up_location(CLLocation) { |placemark, error| }

This method takes a CLLocation object and will return one to many CLPlacemark to represent nearby data.

iOS 8 Location Requirements

iOS 8 introduced stricter location services requirements. You are now required to add a few key/value pairs to the Info.plist. Add these two lines to your Rakefile (with your descriptions, obviously):

app.info_plist['NSLocationAlwaysUsageDescription'] = 'Description'
app.info_plist['NSLocationWhenInUseUsageDescription'] = 'Description'

Note: you need both keys to use get_once, so it's probably best to just include both no matter what. See Apple's documentation on iOS 8 location services requirements for more information.


Hides the user's location on the map.


Returns a Boolean of whether or not the map view is currently showing the user's location.


Returns a CLLocation2D object of the user's location or nil if the user location is not being tracked

zoom_to_user(radius = 0.05, animated=true)

Zooms to the user's location. If the user's location is not currently being shown on the map, it will show it first. radius is a CLLocationDegrees of the latitude and longitude deltas. See Apple documentation for MKCoordinateSpan for more information.

select_annotation(annotation, animated=true)

Selects a single annotation.

select_annotation_at(annotation_index, animated=true)

Selects a single annotation using the annotation at the index of your annotation_data array.


Returns an array of annotations that are selected. If no annotations are selected, returns nil.


Deselects all selected annotations.


Adds a new annotation to the map. Refer to annotation_data (above) for hash properties.


Adds more than one annotation at a time to the map.


Removes all annotations from the MapScreen.

zoom_to_fit_annotations({animated:true, include_user:false})

Changes the zoom and center point of the MapScreen to fit all the annotations. Passing include_user as true will cause the zoom to not only include the annotations from annotation_data but also the user pin in the zoom region calculation.

set_region(region, animated=true)

Sets the region of the MapScreen. region should be an instance of MKCoordinateRegion.


Helper method to create an MKCoordinateRegion. Expects a hash in the form of:

my_region = region({
    latitude: 35.0906,
    longitude: -82.965
  # span is the latitude and longitude delta
  span: [0.5, 0.5]

Class Methods

start_position(latitude: Float, longitude: Float, radius: Float)

Class method to set the initial starting position of the MapScreen.

class MyMapScreen < PM::MapScreen
  start_position latitude: 36.10, longitude: -80.26, radius: 4

radius is the zoom level of the map in miles (default: 10).

tap_to_add(length: Float, target: Object, action: Selector, annotation: Hash)

Lets a user long press the map to drop an annotation where they pressed.

Default values:

You can override any of these values. The annotation parameter can take any options specified in the annotation documentation above except :latitude, :longitude, and :coordinate.

length: 2.0,
target: self,
action: "gesture_drop_pin:",
annotation: {
  title: "Dropped Pin",
  animates_drop: true

This feature posts two different NSNotificationCenter notifications:

ProMotionMapWillAddPin: Fired the moment the long press gesture is recognized, before the pin is added.

ProMotionMapAddedPin: Fired after the pin has been added to the map.

# Simple Example
class MyMapScreen < PM::MapScreen
  title "My Map Screen"
  tap_to_add length: 1.5
  def annotations
# A More Complex Example
class MyMapScreen < PM::MapScreen
  title "My Map Screen"
  tap_to_add length: 1.5, annotation: {animates_drop: true, title: "A Cool New Pin"}
  def annotations

  def will_appear
    NSNotificationCenter.defaultCenter.addObserver(self, selector:"pin_adding:", name:"ProMotionMapWillAddPin", object:nil)
    NSNotificationCenter.defaultCenter.addObserver(self, selector:"pin_added:", name:"ProMotionMapAddedPin", object:nil)

  def will_disappear

  def pin_adding(notification)
    # We only want one pin on the map at a time

  def pin_added(notification)
    # Once the pin is dropped we want to select it

Delegate callbacks

These methods (if implemented in your MapScreen) will be called when the corresponding MKMapViewDelegate method is invoked:

def will_change_region(animated)
  # Do something when the region will change
  # The animated parameter is optional so you can also define it is simply:
  # def will_change_region
  # end

def on_change_region(animated)
  # Do something when the region changed
  # The animated parameter is optional so you can also define it is simply:
  # def on_change_region
  # end

CocoaTouch Property Convenience Methods

MKMapView contains multiple property setters and getters that can be accessed in a more ruby-like syntax:

type # Returns a MKMapType
type = (MKMapType)new_type

zoom_enabled = (bool)enabled

scroll_enabled = (bool)enabled

pitch_enabled = (bool)enabled

rotate_enabled = (bool)enabled


map or mapview

Reference to the created UIMapView.


  1. Fork it
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Make some specs pass
  5. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  6. Create new Pull Request