
Aho-Corasick string-searching algorithm in Go

Primary LanguageGoMIT LicenseMIT


Build Status

Implementation of the Aho-Corasick string-search algorithm in Go.

Licensed under MIT License.


This implementation does not use a Double-Array Trie as in my implementation from a couple of years back.

This reduces the build time drastically, but at the cost of higher memory consumption.

The search time is still fast, and comparable to other Go implementations I have found on github that claims to be fast (see performance).


Can be found at godoc.org.

Example Usage

Use a TrieBuilder to build a Trie:

trie := NewTrieBuilder().
    AddStrings([]string{"or", "amet"}).

Then go and match something interesting:

matches := trie.MatchString("Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.")
fmt.Printf("Got %d matches.\n", len(matches))

// => Got 3 matches.

What did we match?

for _, match := range matches {
    fmt.Printf("Matched %q at position %d.\n", match.Match(), match.Pos())

// => Matched "or" at position 1.
// => Matched "or" at position 15.
// => Matched "amet" at position 22.


You can easily load patterns from file:

builder := NewTrieBuilder()

Both functions expects a text file with one pattern per line. LoadPatterns expects the pattern to be in hexadecimal form.


Some simple benchmarking on my machine (Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-8750H CPU @ 2.20GHz, 32 GiB RAM).

Build and search time grows quite linearly with regards to number of patterns and input text length.


BenchmarkTrieBuild/100-12                    10000              0.1460 ms/op
BenchmarkTrieBuild/1000-12                    1000              2.1643 ms/op
BenchmarkTrieBuild/10000-12                    100             14.3305 ms/op
BenchmarkTrieBuild/100000-12                    10            131.2442 ms/op


BenchmarkMatchIbsen/100-12                 2000000              0.0006 ms/op
BenchmarkMatchIbsen/1000-12                 300000              0.0042 ms/op
BenchmarkMatchIbsen/10000-12                 30000              0.0436 ms/op
BenchmarkMatchIbsen/100000-12                 3000              0.4310 ms/op

Compared to Others

Inspired by anknown I also wanted to check how my implementation compared to other Aho-Corasick implementations in Go.

I created a simple benchmark and ran it on my laptop. With 512,000 patterns, my implementation has comparable build time and faster search time than the other implementations:

anknown         512000     932.57ms    10.81ms      94000
bobusumisu      512000     631.77ms     7.20ms      94000
cloudflare      512000    4879.41ms     2.77ms       4490
iohub           512000     393.96ms    14.19ms      91986

cloudflare is implemented a bit differently though. It doesn't output position of matches but returns indices into the original patterns array.

benchmark plot

Memory Usage

As mentioned, the memory consumption will be quite high compared to a double-array trie implementation. Especially during the build phase (which currently contains a lot of object allocations).