
This project using object oriented programming (OOP) features including inheritance, polymorphism and specially STL in C++ is developed for providing information such as schedule, team, group, stadium and prize information of FIFA World Cup Russia 2018.

Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT


YouTube Video Link: https://youtu.be/E5C-qpFvQtw

This project using object oriented programming (OOP) features including inheritance, polymorphism, abstraction, encapsulation, and STL in C++ is developed for providing information such as schedule, team, group, stadium and prize information of FIFA World Cup Russia 2018.

Object Oriented Programming (OOP) Features

The OOP features that have been used in this project are listed below:

  • Inheritance
  • Polymorphism
  • Encapsulation
  • Abstraction

Snapshot of the Project

Figure 1: After Running the Project

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