
WebGL2 powered geospatial visualization layers

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

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deck.gl | Docs

A WebGL overlay suite for React providing a set of highly performant data visualization overlays


Provides tested, highly performant layers for data visualization, such as scatterplots, arcs, geometries defined in GeoJSON, etc...

npm install --save deck.gl

Using deck.gl

To learn how to use deck.gl through examples coming with the deck.gl repo, please clone the latest release branch.

git clone -b 5.1-release --single-branch https://github.com/uber/deck.gl.git

A very simple usage of deck.gl is showcased in the hello-world examples, using both webpack2 and browserify, so you can choose which setup you prefer or are more familiar with.

import DeckGL from 'deck.gl';
import {ArcLayer} from 'deck.gl';

const flights = new ArcLayer({
  id: 'flights',
  data: [] // Some flight points

<DeckGL width={1920} height={1080} layers={[flights]} />

You can also take a look at the docs website or browse directly the docs folder.

Developing deck.gl

The master branch is the active development branch.

npm install # or yarn
npm test
npm start  # See note below

Note that you will also need to do an npm install in the main example (examples/layer-browser) since the npm start command tries to build and run that example.

cd examples/layer-browser
npm install # or yarn
cd ../..

Note that npm start in the main directory actually runs examples/main. You will need to install dependencies in that example first:

cd examples/main
npm install # or yarn
cd ../..
npm start

Node Version Requirement

Running deck.gl as a dependency in another project (e.g. via npm i deck.gl) requires Node v4 or higher. Building deck.gl from source has a dependency on Node v6.4 or higher. Either upgrade to a supported version, or install something like nvm to manage Node versions.

Install yarn

On macOS deck.gl uses yarn to manage packages. To develop deck.gl, install yarn with brew

brew update
brew install yarn


PRs and bug reports are welcome. Note that you once your PR is about to be merged, you will be asked to register as a contributor by filling in a short form.

Data sources

SF OpenData

TLC Trip Record Data
