First :I'm not good at let me complete this README with my first language .I will spend some time to introduct this view
这是我业余时间完成的一个自定义控件 在这个例子中 你可以看到一个有动画过长的view,他能干以下几个小动画
1.从0自增长到指定数;2.从指定数倒计时到0,不仅限于秒数倒计时;3.水果机类型增长 目前还在强化功能和效果
it’s a custom textview with some special and high demand’s animation, just like self-propagation's effect please try it yourself and change
the mode of aninamtion type ----> set "mode" in xml :)
make sure your gradle's file in project include jitpack like this
maven { url '' }
so you can use it with
compile 'com.github.wo5553435:AnimateTextView:1.1'