
R Package for quickly and neatly summarizing vectors and dataframes

Primary LanguageR

summarytools version 0.6.5

CRAN stats: Other stats: Research software impact

NEWS: Version 0.6.9 (in development) adds a new cross-tabulation function, ctable(). To try it out, use devtools::install_github("dcomtois/summarytools", ref="dev"). It's a work-in-progress, but feedback is welcome.

Version 0.6.5 is now on CRAN, fixing several issues present in version 0.6. See README file for more details. The new version includes a vignette which complements the introduction on this page. You can find the vignette here: http://rpubs.com/dcomtois/summarytools_vignette

summarytools is an R package providing tools to neatly and quickly summarize data. Its main purpose is to provide hassle-free functions that every R programmer once wished were included in base R:

  • frequency tables with proportions, cumulative proportions and missing data information.
  • descriptive statistics with all common univariate statistics for numerical vectors
  • dataframe summaries that facilitate data cleaning and firsthand evaluation

It also aims at making R a little easier to use for newcomers. With just a few lines of code, one can get a pretty good picture of the data at hand.

Weighted statistics

Newer versions (0.5 and above) support weights for freq() and descr(). Use devtools::install_github() to get the latest version (see How to install for detailed instructions).

An example

With just 2 lines of code, get a summary report of a dataframe, displayed directly in RStudio's Viewer pane:

> library(summarytools)
> view(dfSummary(iris))

Example of dfSummary Output displayed in RStudio's viewer

Building on the strengths of pander and htmltools, the summary reports produced by summarytools can be:
  • Displayed as plain text in the R console
  • Written to plain text files / markdown text files
  • Written to html files that fire up in RStudio's Viewer pane or in your system's default browser.
Also, all functions:
  • Support Hmisc and rapportools variable labels.
  • Return table or dataframe objects for further manipulation if needed.

How to install

To install the latest stable version of summarytools, just type into your R console:

> install.packages("summarytools")

For the most up-to-date version that has all the latest features but might also contain bugs, I invite you to first install the devtools package and then install summarytools through install_github():

> install.packages("devtools")
> library(devtools)
> install_github('dcomtois/summarytools')

You can also see the source code and documentation on the official R site here.

Frequency tables with freq()

The freq() function generates a table of frequencies with counts and percentages (including cumulative).

> library(summarytools)
> data(iris)
> # We'll insert some NA's for illustration purposes
> is.na(iris) <- matrix(sample(x = c(TRUE,FALSE), size = 150*5, 
+                              replace = T, prob = c(.1,.9)),nrow = 150)
> # and add a variable label for the Species column
> rapportools::label(iris$Species) <- "The Species (duh)"
> freq(iris$Species)

Dataframe: iris
Variable: Species
Label: The Species (duh)

                   N   %Valid   %Cum.Valid   %Total   %Cum.Total
---------------- --- -------- ------------ -------- ------------
          setosa  46    33.58        33.58    30.67        30.67
      versicolor  45    32.85        66.42       30        60.67
       virginica  46    33.58          100    30.67        91.33
            <NA>  13       NA           NA     8.67          100
           Total 150      100          100      100          100

Descriptive statistics with descr()

The descr() function generates common central tendency statistics and measures of dispersion for numerical data. It can handle single vectors as well as dataframes, in which case it just ignores non-numerical columns.

descr() on the iris dataframe

> data(iris)
> descr(iris)
Non-numerical variable(s) ignored: Species 

Descriptive Univariate Statistics

Dataframe name: iris

                    Sepal.Length   Sepal.Width   Petal.Length   Petal.Width
----------------- -------------- ------------- -------------- -------------
             Mean           5.88          3.05           3.75           1.2
          Std.Dev           0.84          0.44           1.76          0.77
              Min            4.3             2              1           0.1
              Max            7.9           4.4            6.9           2.5
           Median            5.8             3            4.4           1.3
              MAD           1.04          0.37           1.78          1.04
              IQR           1.38           0.5            3.5           1.5
               CV           6.98          6.99           2.13          1.56
         Skewness           0.26          0.31           -0.3          -0.1
      SE.Skewness           0.21          0.21           0.21          0.21
         Kurtosis          -0.68          0.17          -1.45         -1.37


              Sepal.Length   Sepal.Width   Petal.Length   Petal.Width
----------- -------------- ------------- -------------- -------------
      Valid   134 (89.33%)     138 (92%)   134 (89.33%)  134 (89.33%)
       <NA>    16 (10.67%)       12 (8%)    16 (10.67%)   16 (10.67%)
      Total            150           150            150           150
descr() has a "transpose" option

If your eyes/brain prefer seeing things the other way around, just use "transpose=TRUE":

> descr(iris, transpose=TRUE)
Non-numerical variable(s) ignored: Species 

Descriptive Statistics

Dataframe name: iris

                     Mean   Std.Dev   Min   Max   Median   MAD   IQR   CV   Skewness   SE.Skewness   Kurtosis
------------------ ------ --------- ----- ----- -------- ----- ----- ---- ---------- ------------- ----------
      Sepal.Length   5.88      0.84   4.3   7.9      5.8  1.04  1.38 6.98       0.26          0.21      -0.68
       Sepal.Width   3.05      0.44     2   4.4        3  0.37   0.5 6.99       0.31          0.21       0.17
      Petal.Length   3.75      1.76     1   6.9      4.4  1.78   3.5 2.13       -0.3          0.21      -1.45
       Petal.Width    1.2      0.77   0.1   2.5      1.3  1.04   1.5 1.56       -0.1          0.21      -1.37


                          Valid        <NA>   Total
------------------ ------------ ----------- -------
      Sepal.Length 134 (89.33%) 16 (10.67%)     150
       Sepal.Width    138 (92%)     12 (8%)     150
      Petal.Length 134 (89.33%) 16 (10.67%)     150
       Petal.Width 134 (89.33%) 16 (10.67%)     150

Dataframe summaries

The dfSummary() function generates a table containing variable information (class(es) and type), common statistics for numerical data and frequency counts (as long as there are not too many distinct values -- and yes, you can specify the limit in the function call). Number and proportion of valid (non-missing) values are also reported, and variable labels can optionnaly be included.

> dfSummary(iris)
variable.name   properties    factor.levels.or.stats            frequencies        n.valid    
--------------- ------------- --------------------------------- ------------------ -----------
Sepal.Length    type:double   mean (sd) = 5.88 (0.84)           35 distinct values 134 (89.3%)
                class:numeric min < med < max = 4.3 < 5.8 < 7.9                               
                              IQR (CV) = 1.38 (0.14)                                          

Sepal.Width     type:double   mean (sd) = 3.05 (0.44)           23 distinct values 138 (92.0%)
                class:numeric min < med < max = 2 < 3 < 4.4                                   
                              IQR (CV) = 0.5 (0.14)                                           

Petal.Length    type:double   mean (sd) = 3.75 (1.76)           43 distinct values 134 (89.3%)
                class:numeric min < med < max = 1 < 4.4 < 6.9                                 
                              IQR (CV) = 3.5 (0.47)                                           

Petal.Width     type:double   mean (sd) = 1.2 (0.77)            22 distinct values 134 (89.3%)
                class:numeric min < med < max = 0.1 < 1.3 < 2.5                               
                              IQR (CV) = 1.5 (0.64)                                           

Species         type:integer  1. setosa                         1: 46 (33.6%)      137 (91.3%)
                class:factor  2. versicolor                     2: 45 (32.8%)                 
                              3. virginica                      3: 46 (33.6%)                 

All functions markdown-ready

Thanks to Gergely Daróczi's pander package, all functions can printout markdown; just use the option style="rmarkdown". That is useful for instance here on GitHub, where .md files are converted and displayed as html. Thanks to John MacFarlane's Pandoc, you can further convert markdown text files into a wide range of common formats such as .pdf, .docx and .odt, among others.

Here is an example of a markdown table, as processed by GitHub, using freq():

> freq(iris$Species, style="rmarkdown", plain.ascii=FALSE, missing="---")

Dataframe name: iris
Variable name: Species
Variable label: The Species (duh)
Date: 2014-12-05


  N %Valid %Cum.Valid %Total %Cum.Total
setosa 46 33.58 33.58 30.67 30.67
versicolor 45 32.85 66.42 30 60.67
virginica 46 33.58 100 30.67 91.33
<NA> 13 --- --- 8.67 100
Total 150 100 100 100 100
Two things to note here:
  1. We specified plain.ascii=FALSE. This allows additional markup in the text (here, the bold-typed row names, added automatically by pander).
  2. We used the option missing="---", to show that if we don't like seeing NA's in our tables, it's quite easy to get rid of them or replace them with any character (or combination of characters).

To learn more about markdown and rmarkdown formats, see John MacFarlane's page and this RStudio's R Markdown Quicktour.

Create and view html reports

Version 0.5 of summarytools combines the strengths of the following packages and tools to generate basic html reports:


When you become familiar with the method, You can achieve this in just one operation, but let's have a detailed walkthrough on how to generate and visualize an html report with summarytools.

  • First, generate a summarytools object using one of descr(), freq() or dfSummary():
> my.freq.table <- freq(iris$Species)
  • Next, use print(), specifying the method argument which can take one of the following values:
    • method='browser' This creates an html report on-the-fly and makes it fire up in your system's default browser. The path to the report is returned.
    • method='viewer' Same as "browser", except the report opens up in RStudio's Viewer pane (as demonstrated at the top of this page.)
    • method='pander' This is the default value for method and will not produce an html file. It will rather direct output to the console.
> print(my.freq.table, method="browser")
  • Since many of us like to stay in RStudio as much as possible, a wrapper function called view() calls print() specifying method="viewer". You can stick to print() altogether if you prefer.

An alternative way to produce html (or text) reports

There is another way to generate output right at the first function call to descr(), dfSummary() or freq(); it is to supply the argument "file" to any of those. For instance, the two following function calls will generate a markdown report, and then an html report from dfSummary():

> dfSummary(iris, style="grid", file="~/iris_dfSummary.md", escape.pipes=TRUE)
Output successfully written to file D:\Documents\iris_dfSummary.md
> dfSummary(iris, file="~/iris_dfSummary.html") # With html files, most of the other arguments are omitted.
Output successfully written to file D:\Documents\iris_dfSummary.html

Note The "escape.pipes=TRUE" argument makes it so that Pandoc, in converting to alternative formats, handles correctly multiline cells in dfSummary() reports.

Customizing output

Some attributes attached to summarytools objects can be modified in order to change one of the elements displayed -- this is most usefull when generating html reports. In particular, you may want to change "df.name", "var.name" or "date". To do so, you would use R's attr() function in the following manner:

> attr(my.freq.table, "df.name") <- "The IRIS Dataframe"
> my.freq.table


Dataframe: The IRIS Dataframe  
Variable: Species  

                   N   %Valid   %Cum.Valid   %Total   %Cum.Total
---------------- --- -------- ------------ -------- ------------
          setosa  50    33.33        33.33    33.33        33.33
      versicolor  50    33.33        66.67    33.33        66.67
       virginica  50    33.33          100    33.33          100
            <NA>   0       NA           NA        0          100
           Total 150      100          100      100          100

Tables customization

When displaying summarytools objects in the console (as opposed to generating html reports), many other arguments can be specified so you get the format that you want. The most common are:

  • style one of "simple" (default), "grid", "rmarkdown" and "multiline"
  • justify one of "left", "center", and "right"
  • round.digits how many decimals to show. This argument is also used for html reports
  • plain.ascii when TRUE, no markdown tags are used
  • ... and any of the other pander options

What else?

Function what.is() helps you figure out quickly what an object is by...

  • Putting together the object's class(es), type (typeof), mode, storage mode, length, dim and object.size, all in a single table;
  • Extending the is() function in a way that the object is tested against all functions starting with is. -- see this post on StackOverflow for details;
  • Giving a list of the object's attributes names and length (c.g. rownames, dimnames, labels, etc.)

Some examples

> what.is(c)
      property    value
1        class function
2       typeof  builtin
3         mode function
4 storage.mode function
5          dim         
6       length        1
7  object.size 56 Bytes

[1] "is.function"  "is.primitive" "is.recursive"

[1] "primitive" "generic"  

> what.is(NaN)
      property    value
1        class  numeric
2       typeof   double
3         mode  numeric
4 storage.mode   double
5          dim         
6       length        1
7  object.size 48 Bytes

[1] "is.atomic"  "is.double"  "is.na"      "is.nan"     "is.numeric" "is.vector" 

[1] "base"

Final notes

Visit my professionnal site to learn more about what I do and services I offer: www.statconseil.com

The package comes with no guarantees. It is a work in progress and feedback / feature requests are most welcome. Just write me an email at dominic.comtois (at) gmail.com, or open an Issue if you find a bug.