- 0
- 4
- 0
- 0
Example how to create a global application interface object available as QmlEngine root context property
#306 opened by antis81 - 0
Some tests fail with Qt 6.5.3
#301 opened by alois31 - 2
Compilation fails with Rust 1.72
#299 opened by direc85 - 5
Build failing on DEP_QT_INCLUDE_PATH environment variable when building under bazel
#298 opened by andrew-otiv - 2
- 2
[help needed] using rust-based enums as qml properties
#264 opened by xzz53 - 3
- 6
- 0
- 2
Wrapping existing QObjects?
#290 opened by Supreeeme - 1
New release?
#289 opened by Supreeeme - 5
QmlEngine::invoke_method is broken with Qt ≥6.5
#286 opened by alois31 - 0
Implement From<QVariantMap> for QVariant
#283 opened by Tomin1 - 5
Production ready?
#280 opened by nrbnlulu - 1
- 0
Example `todos` prints TypeError
#278 opened by hasezoey - 0
Build warning about `cargo:rustc-cdylib-link-arg`
#277 opened by hasezoey - 2
the trait bound `String: Deref` is not satisfied
#275 opened by mingjunyang - 1
Add qputenv implementation
#271 opened by gmittone - 4
- 2
OpenGL FBO support
#265 opened by dzervas - 0
`qttypes::QPainter` unsound
#267 opened by ogoffart - 0
Shareing basic types with cxx-qt
#263 opened by Ayush1325 - 6
Refactor qttypes
#235 opened by Ayush1325 - 0
build issue on Qt 6.2.3 with qtwebenginequick
#259 opened by nniclausse - 0
- 2
- 3
- 8
Create a mdBook for qmetaobject
#248 opened by Ayush1325 - 1
- 0
- 0
Plugins not recognized by QT tools
#242 opened by semtexzv - 0
Read-only properties
#237 opened by agausmann - 0
Support for "required" properties
#238 opened by agausmann - 2
- 2
[Feature Request] Wrapper for QMap<K, T>
#232 opened by Ayush1325 - 4
QmlEngine does not implement QObject
#203 opened by Ayush1325 - 1
Compilation fails with cannot convert 'std::pair<QTypedArrayData<QTypeRevision>*, QTypeRevision*>' to 'int' in return
#233 opened by nailuj29 - 2
Why do enums use repr(u32) instead of repr(c)?
#228 opened by Ayush1325 - 2
- 4
Improve code style by using CI and pre-commit hooks
#223 opened by gikari - 0
A couple of QJSValue methods are missing
#221 opened by gikari - 4
Missing API wrapper for qmlRegisterModule
#219 opened by gikari - 2
Undefined Behaviour with QByteArray
#216 opened by Ayush1325 - 5
qttypes build failure on Fedora
#197 opened by Be-ing - 4
Qt 5.6: prelude import of register_enum
#195 opened by rubdos - 2
Allow more control over logging middleware
#193 opened by sztomi