
🍍 Sync your Pinia state across browser tabs.

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT


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Sync your Pinia state across browser tabs. Supports Vue 2 and 3.


  • vue ^2.6.14 || ^3.2.0


pnpm add pinia pinia-shared-state


import { PiniaSharedState } from 'pinia-shared-state'

// Pass the plugin to your application's pinia plugin
    // Enables the plugin for all stores. Defaults to true.
    enable: true,
    // If set to true this tab tries to immediately recover the shared state from another tab. Defaults to true.
    initialize: false,
    // Enforce a type. One of native, idb, localstorage or node. Defaults to native.
    type: 'localstorage',
const useStore = defineStore({
  id: 'counter',
  state: () => ({
    count: 0,
    foo: 'bar',
  share: {
    // An array of fields that the plugin will ignore.
    omit: ['foo'],
    // Override global config for this store.
    enable: true,
    initialize: true,

Vanilla usage:

import { onMounted, onUnmounted } from 'vue'
import { share } from 'pinia-shared-state'
import useStore from './store'

const counterStore = useStore()

onMounted(() => {
  const { unshare } = share('counter', counterStore, { initialize: true })

  onUnmounted(() => {
    // Call `unshare` method to close the channel


  • pinia - 🍍 Intuitive, type safe, light and flexible Store for Vue using the composition api with DevTools support.
  • vue-demi - Creates Universal Library for Vue 2 & 3.
  • broadcast-channel - BroadcastChannel to send data between different browser-tabs or nodejs-processes.


MIT License.