
Simple confirmation dialog and snackbar composable built on top of Vuetify

Primary LanguageVueMIT LicenseMIT


Confirming user choice is a good thing to do, it should also be easy to do.

A module that simplifies the creation of dialogs and snackbars in Vuetify.

Demo: StackBlitz


npm install vuetify-use-dialog


Install the plugin (after vuetify)

import { createApp } from 'vue'
import { createVuetify } from 'vuetify'
import VuetifyUseDialog from 'vuetify-use-dialog'

import App from './App.vue'

const app = createApp(App)
const vuetify = createVuetify()



Call the useConfirm or useSnackbar composable anywhere:

<script setup lang="ts">
import { useConfirm, useSnackbar } from 'vuetify-use-dialog'

const createConfirm = useConfirm()
const createSnackbar = useSnackbar()

async function handleConfirm() {
  const isConfirmed = await createConfirm({ content: 'This action is permanent!' })

  if (!isConfirmed)

  createSnackbar({ text: 'Confirmed' })

  <VBtn @click="handleConfirm">

Check this if you're using Options API.



Name Type Default Description
title string 'Are you sure?' Dialog title.
titleComponent Component Custom title component.
titleComponentProps object {} Custom title component props.
content string '' Dialog content.
contentComponent Component Custom content component.
contentComponentProps object {} Custom content component props.
confirmationText string 'Ok' Confirmation button caption.
cancellationText string 'Cancel' Cancellation button caption.
dialogProps object {} VDialog props.
cardProps object {} VCard props.
confirmationButtonProps object {} VBtn props for the confirmation button.
cancellationButtonProps object {} VBtn props for the cancellation button.
cardTitleProps object {} VCardTitle props for the dialog title.
cardTextProps object {} VCardText props for the dialog content.
confirmationKeyword string undefined If provided the confirmation button will be disabled by default and an additional textfield will be rendered. The confirmation button will only be enabled when the contents of the textfield match the value of confirmationKeyword.
confirmationKeywordTextFieldProps object {} VTextField props for the confirmation keyword textfield.
cardActionsProps object {} VCardActions props.
actionsContentComponent Component {} Custom actions content component.


Name Type Default Description
text string '' Snackbar text.
snackbarProps object {} VSnackbar props.
showCloseButton boolean true Show the close button.
closeButtonText string 'Close' Close button text
closeButtonProps object {} VBtn props.

Global options:

app.use(VuetifyUseDialog, {
  confirmDialog: {
    // useConfirm options
    title: 'Are you sure?'
  snackbar: {
    // useSnackbar options
    snackbarProps: {
      timeout: 2000,

Looking for a stackable toast component? Check out Vuetify Sonner.
