
howto base

Primary LanguageJupyter NotebookMIT LicenseMIT


WRO's how-to base collection
covers various topics/systems.

no abr abr abr abr abr color color
cod eng prj prg aut
0 gen std prj gen gen #802680 RGB(128,38,128)
1 sys sys prc sys dev #752E99 RGB(117,46,153)
2 cor equ spc cpl plc #262680 RGB(38,38,128)
3 prg prg dsg dbs dcs #264480 RGB(38,68,128)
4 ifc ifc mdu web ifc #268080 RGB(38,128,128)
5 eng eng ipl svc eng #2E8A57 RGB(46,138,87)
6 lib doc doc srv clu #268026 RGB(38,128,38)
7 bro mtc spt bro mtc #448026 RGB(68,128,38)
8 app vld vld dbg vld #806226 RGB(128,98,38)
9 igr cmc cmc vtz cmc #804426 RGB(128,68,38)



topic name comment
0_gen general
1_sys system
2_cor core
3_prg program
4_ifc interface
5_eng engineering
6_lib library
7_bro broker
8_app application
9_igr integration


link collection

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topic name comment color color
0_std standard #802680 RGB(128,38,128)
1_sys system #752E99 RGB(117,46,153)
2_equ equipment #262680 RGB(38,38,128)
3_prg program #264480 RGB(38,68,128)
4_itc interface #268080 RGB(38,128,128)
5_eng engineering #2E8A57 RGB(46,138,87)
6_doc documentation #268026 RGB(38,128,38)
7_mtc maintenance #448026 RGB(68,128,38)
8_vld validation #806226 RGB(128,98,38)
9_cmc commercial #804426 RGB(128,68,38)



topic name comment color color
0_std general #802680 RGB(128,38,128)
1_dev device #752E99 RGB(117,46,153)
2_equ equipment #262680 RGB(38,38,128)
3_dcs program #264480 RGB(38,68,128)
4_itc interface #268080 RGB(38,128,128)
5_aut engineering #2E8A57 RGB(46,138,87)
6_clu cloud #268026 RGB(38,128,38)
7_mtc maintenance #448026 RGB(68,128,38)
8_vld validation #806226 RGB(128,98,38)
9_cmc commercial #804426 RGB(128,68,38)



topic name comment color color
0_gen general #802680 RGB(128,38,128)
1_dev device #752E99 RGB(117,46,153)
2_equ equipment #262680 RGB(38,38,128)
3_aut automation #264480 RGB(38,68,128)
4_ifc interface #268080 RGB(38,128,128)
5_pkg packages #2E8A57 RGB(46,138,87)
6_clu cloud #268026 RGB(38,128,38)
7_mtc maintenance #448026 RGB(68,128,38)
8_arv archive #806226 RGB(128,98,38)
9_dcr data center #804426 RGB(128,68,38)



topic name comment color color
0_gen general #802680 RGB(128,38,128)
1_sys system #752E99 RGB(117,46,153)
2_cor core #262680 RGB(38,38,128)
3_prg program #264480 RGB(38,68,128)
4_ifc interface #268080 RGB(38,128,128)
5_eng engineering #2E8A57 RGB(46,138,87)
6_lib library #268026 RGB(38,128,38)
7_bro broker #448026 RGB(68,128,38)
8_app application #806226 RGB(128,98,38)
9_igr integration #804426 RGB(128,68,38)



topic name comment color color
0_gen general #802680 RGB(128,38,128)
1_sys system #752E99 RGB(117,46,153)
2_cpl compiler #262680 RGB(38,38,128)
3_dbs database system #264480 RGB(38,68,128)
4_net network #268080 RGB(38,128,128)
5_svc service #2E8A57 RGB(46,138,87)
6_srv server #268026 RGB(38,128,38)
7_bro broker #448026 RGB(68,128,38)
8_dbg debug #806226 RGB(128,98,38)
9_vtz virtualization #804426 RGB(128,68,38)



topic name comment color color
0_prj project #802680 RGB(128,38,128)
1_prc process #752E99 RGB(117,46,153)
2_spc specification #262680 RGB(38,38,128)
3_dsg design #264480 RGB(38,68,128)
4_mdu module #268080 RGB(38,128,128)
5_ipl implementation #2E8A57 RGB(46,138,87)
6_doc documentation #268026 RGB(38,128,38)
7_spt support #448026 RGB(68,128,38)
8_vld validation #806226 RGB(128,98,38)
9_cmc commercial #804426 RGB(128,68,38)

system architecture

nr topic name comment color color
0 0_prj prj project #AE3D3D RGB(174,61,61)
1 1_prc prc process #AE503D RGB(174,80,61)
2 2_spc spc specification #AE633D RGB(174,99,61)
3 3_dsg dsg design #AE753D RGB(174,117,61)
4 4_mdg mdg modelling #AE883D RGB(174,136,61)
5 5_dmg dmg data management #AE9B3D RGB(174,155,61)
6 6_mtg mtg meeting #AEAE3D RGB(174,174,61)
7 7_env env environment #9BAE3D RGB(155,174,61)
8 8_sys sys system #88AE3D RGB(136,174,61)
9 9_req req requirements #75AE3D RGB(117,174,61)
a a_acr acr architecture #63AE3D RGB(99,174,61)
b b_bsm bsm base structure and model #50AE3D RGB(80,174,61)
c c_cnp cnp concept #3DAE3D RGB(61,174,61)
d d_dtm dtm data modelling #3DAE50 RGB(61,174,80)
e e_eng eng engineering #3DAE63 RGB(61,174,99)
f f_fmr fmr framework #3DAE75 RGB(61,174,117)
g g_gds gds guidelines #3DAE88 RGB(61,174,136)
h h_hry hry hierarchy #3DAE9B RGB(61,174,155)
i i_ifc ifc interface #3DAEAE RGB(61,174,174)
j j_jrn jrn journal #3D9BAE RGB(61,155,174)
k k_krn krn kernel #3D88AE RGB(61,136,174)
l l_lib lib library #3D75AE RGB(61,117,174)
m m_mde mde model #3D63AE RGB(61,99,174)
n n_net net network #3D50AE RGB(61,80,174)
o o_opr opr operation #3D3DAE RGB(61,61,174)
p p_pcs pcs process #503DAE RGB(80,61,174)
q q_qly qly quality #633DAE RGB(99,61,174)
r r_rls rls release #753DAE RGB(117,61,174)
s s_spr spr support #883DAE RGB(136,61,174)
t t_tng tng training #9B3DAE RGB(155,61,174)
u u_upd upd update #AE3DAE RGB(174,61,174)
v v_vdn vdn validation #AE3D9B RGB(174,61,155)

level 2

level 2_aut{#lv2_aut}


no abr name comment
0 gen general
1 dev device
2 plc programmable logic controller
3 dcs distributed control system
4 ifc interface
5 eng engineering
6 mes manufacturing execution system
7 mtc maintenance
8 erp enterprise resource planning
9 dcr data center

level 2_prg{#lv2_prg}


no abr name comment
0 gen general
1 sys system
2 cpl compiler
3 dbs database system
4 net network
5 svc service
6 srv server
7 bro broker
8 dbg debug
9 vtz virtualization

level 3

level 3_cmn{#lv3_cmn}


no abr name comment
0 gen general
1 mtg meeting minutes
2 iqy inquiry
3 csp correspondence
4 org organization plan
5 off offer
6 puc purchase memo
7 tsm transmittal shipping
8 org organization plan
9 rpr reports times notes travel

level 3_vld{#lv3_vld}


no abr name comment
0 gen general
1 IHT in-house test
2 CMS commissioning
3 FAT factory acceptance test
4 SAT site acceptance test
8 adt audit
9 rpr report

level 3_mdlPhy{#lv3_mdlPhy}


no abr name comment
1 CM control module
2 EM equipment module
3 UT unit
4 PC process cell
5 AR area
6 ST site
8 ET enterprise

level 3_mdlEty{#lv3_mdlEty}

no abr name comment
1 CME CM entity
2 EME EM entity
3 UTE UT entity
4 PCE PC entity

level 3_mdlPcd{#lv3_mdlPcd}

no abr name comment
1 PH phase
2 OP operation
3 UPCD unit procedure
4 PCD procedure

level 3{#lv3_prg}

no abr name comment
0 gen general
1 sys sys lang shell
2 cor c cpp SCL ST core lang
3 dat data lang sql xml xsl
4 tlg telegram data exchange stored proc handling
5 adv advanced lang python java swig
6 lib library
7 bro broker application srv SOA
8 app application
9 igr integration


pip3 install -r requirements.txt


contributions are welcome