
A simple & stable front-end unit testing tool. 简单稳定的前端单元测试工具。

Primary LanguageJavaScript



A simple & stable front-end unit testing tool.

Latest stable version:v0.4.0 Change Log

building status


0. Features

  • Run in real browsers
  • Support all test frameworks
  • Support debug
  • Auto testing coverage
  • Robust enough for actual combat

1. Installation

Node requirement

>= 0.10.12

Install from npm

$ npm install totoro -g

If it not works, you may add sudo before the command, as follows.

Install from github

To get the latest function (may not be stable)

$ git clone git@github.com:totorojs/totoro.git
$ cd totoro
$ npm install -g

2. Quick Start

For simplicity, we have already prepared an example for you:

Important: please specify a server first !

$ totoro config --server-host={{yourServerHost}}

The default value is a internal server for Alibaba group, you can launch your own server.

We are planning to supply an open service, hmm...

$ git clone git@github.com:totorojs/totoro.git
$ cd examples/mocha
$ totoro

Then you should see a output as shown below:


  • Green dot means a test case passed, red cross means a test case failed.
  • Every browser supplies it's own run time and testing coverage.
  • If all test cases passed, will report in green color, or will report in red color with detailed error message.

Recommended directory structure

Generally, if your test is a local file and the directory structure of your project is as bellow, you can run totoro without any config.

  src/ or lib/
  tests/ or test/
    runner.html or index.html

3. Cli Options

All options are optional.

3.1 totoro


Test runner. Accept local file and URL.

Default: auto search in the CWD, runner.html or index.html in subdirectory test/ or tests/ could be recognized.


A convenient way to debug. Accept single JS expression, local file or URL. totoro will return the calculated value of expression or all output of console.log() in JS file. For example:

$ totoro --code document.getElementsByClassName
$ totoro --code examples/code/code.js  // this file already exists, try it!

Be mind that --code and --runner are mutually exclusive!


Test framework's adapter, used to send report to server. Accept built-in keywords, local file and URL.

Built-in keywords: mocha, jasmine.

It is very easy to write an adapter for custom test framework, you could refer to static/adapters/mocha.js.

Default: if --runner is local file, totoro will see if there is totoro-adapter.js in the same directory , if not found or --runner is URL, totoro-server will try to find out matched keyword according to --runner content.


Specify a comman-delimited list of browser names. For example:

chrome,firefox,safari,ie  //just specify browser names
ie/6,ie/7,ie/8,ie/9  //specify browser names and versions

Default: all available desktop browsers.


Specifies the client timeout in minutes.



totoro-server host。

Default: internal server host for Alibaba group.


totoro-server port。

Default: 9999


If assign a local file to --runner, totoro need to launch a temporary HTTP server for testing, --client-root is the root of this server.

Default: if necessary, guess a path according to --runner and --adapter.


No need testing coverage.

Default: false


Show more info.

Default: false

3.2 totoro list

Show all available browsers of specified server.

totoro list

3.3 totoro config

Read or write global config.

Read global config

$ totoro config

Write global config

$ totoro config --server-host= --server-port=''

Above command clear the --server-port value.

4. Config File

If you need a config file, just place totoro-config.json in the CWD.

The priority level of all config ways are: command line > config file > totoro config > default config

Below is an example for config file:

  "browsers": ["chrome", "ie/10.0"],
  "serverHost": "",
  "serverPort": 9999

5. About

totoro takes it's name from animated fantasy film "My Neighbor Totoro" directed by Hayao Miyazaki.