
Helper for construction of all the things that are loaded within HEAD tag

Primary LanguagePHP

HTML Header

Helper class to deal with any HTML document's <head> contents

Specifying second constructor parameter of HTML_Header_Javascript() object to TRUE forces script to be placed in array of footer scripts. As HTML_Header renders HTML code that is valid only when placed within <HEAD /> tag, where footer scripts, the additional action has to be performed when user wants to display footer scripts. And to get footer scripts one has to invoke Html_Header::get_javascripts_footer() method. Then place the result somewhere in template or other view.

Usage examples


class Controller_Template extends Controller
	protected $html_header = NULL;
	public function before()
		$this->html_header = new HTML_Header();
		$this->html_header->set_title('New awesome page');
		$this->html_header->add(new HTML_Header_Stylesheet(array('file' => 'stylesheet.css'));
		$this->html_header->add(new HTML_Header_Stylesheet(array('file' => 'stylesheet_ie7.css', 'conditional' => 'lt IE 8'));
		$this->html_header->add(new HTML_Header_Javascript(array('file' => 'jquery.js')));
		$this->html_header->add(new HTML_Header_Javascript(array('file' => 'footer_scripts.js', TRUE)));
		$this->html_header->add(new HTML_Header_Meta('keywords', 'Awesome, kohana, KO3'));
		$this->html_header->add(new HTML_Header_Meta('description', 'This page shows how to be awesome'));

		$this->html_header->set_meta(new HTML_Header_Meta('description', 'This META description replaces previous one'), 'description');


	<?php if (isset($html_header) && $html_header instanceof HTML_Header) echo $html_header->render(); ?>

<?php if (isset($html_header) && $html_header instanceof HTML_Header) echo $html_header->get_javascripts_footer(); ?>
