
PDF View for Kohana 3 (as Shadowhand's pdf-view)

Primary LanguagePHP

mPDF View

Extension for Kohana's View class that renders as a PDF instead of HTML. Uses MPDF to render normal HTML views as PDF Files.


If your application is a Git repository:

git submodule add git://github.com/smgladkovskiy/kohana-mpdf.git modules/mpdf
git submodule update --init --recursive

Or clone the the module separately:

cd modules
git clone git://github.com/smgladkovskiy/kohana-mpdf.git mpdf

Update mPDF

cd modules/mpdf
git submodule update --init


Edit application/bootstrap.php and add a the module:

    'mpdf' => 'modules/mpdf',


Placed in a controller action:

// Load a view using the PDF extension
$pdf = View_MPDF::factory('pdf/example');

// Use the PDF as the request response

// Force download

// Set the PDF footer (every page) using directly the MPDF object
$pdf->get_mpdf()->SetHTMLFooter('<p>Footer disclaimer</p>');