
AutoScrolling Extension for Chrome

Primary LanguageJavaScript


A Simple AutoScrolling Extension for Chrome

This extension was inspired by the Ultimate Guitar Website, which has autoscroll functionality for chord sheets. AutoScroll aims to extend this functionality universally to any website. Can be used for browsing Ultimate Guitar, Reddit, Facebook, Quora, long text files, etc. Enjoy!


  1. Clone/Download this repo
  2. Go to chrome://extensions
  3. Enable "Developer Mode" (top right)
  4. Click "Load Unpacked"
  5. Select AutoScroll directory


The extension features a slider that can be used to control scroll speed. Click to start scrolling or to update scroll speed. Close the popup to stop scrolling. demoscreenie

In Progress

  • UI improvements
  • Save preferences
  • Embedded PDF's
  • Feel free to submit feature requests!